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tv   HLN News  HLN  August 27, 2009 12:00pm-4:59pm EDT

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there a solved cold case? a woman claims she has the most important clue imaginable to solve the mystery, and it's her. there's no mistaking the message, teens, don't text. does it go too far? we'll get your views. people along the east coast are getting a different message today. keep your eye on tropical storm danny. good thursday. hope you're having a great one so far. as always, we welcome you to hln "news and views." we are keeping an eye on a chemical plant fire that's near detroit. it's a company that involves
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biofuels. flames and smoke. of any injuries, again live pictures live outside of detroit. it's part of the nearby area we hear is being evacuated. back to that incredible story of a woman who claims to be a missing california woman that vanished 18 years ago. she was 11 when she disappeared while walking to a bus stop in south lake tahoe. there she is in 1991. that picture of her. now police and fbi are talking to a woman who surfaced at a bay area police stay claim been to be the girl. her stepfather says an fbi told his wife that authorities had jaycee and the people who she was with. the woman remembers everything and had the right answers to his wife's questions. now, problemen says it's like winning the lottery. take a listen to the girl's
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mother from 18 years ago when she pleaded for her daughter's safe return. >> she's pretty, young, innocent dhild. you may like her, but we love her too, and it's time she comes home to her family, her sissy has been asking for her, and she needs to be with us. >> the fbi in el dorado county sheriff's department will hold a news conference later today. we will bring that to you when that happened. los angeles police say former model jasmine fiore may have been killed in her own car. they are checking it for evidence after finding her mercedes bejz in a parking lot in west hollywood yesterday. police are searching for a car driven by a woman that dropped off fiore's husband at a hotel before he killed himself.
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>> we have whattic call circumstantial evidence. we know for a fact that ryan's father, dan jenkins here in calgary owns a silver pt cruiser which matching the vehicle seen outside the hotel in british columbia. we also know that a vehicle very similar to that one is now 700 miles to the west of us in vancouver, british columbia parked in the building where lieian's half sister alena now lives. >> police believe she was killed before he fled to canada. we're talking about the weather now. tropical storm danny is gathering strength. forecasters say it could be a category one by saturday. right now, though, it appears danny will miss the carolina coast, though forecasters are advising people along the coast to watch, to watch the storm. the storm could threaten new
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england this weekend, near cape cod by assert night. we're keeping an eye on that for you. at this hour, senator ted kennedy's family is holding a private mass in high answerport, massachusetts, and later a motorcade will carry his body to the jfk presidential library where it will lie in repose until tomorrow. the motorcade will pass sights that meant a great deal to the senator. and tonight there will be a public viewing at that library, which kennedy spent decades helping develop for his brother, the former president. thousands will file past the closed casket to pay tribute to the last brother of a political dynasty. also a private funeral for kennedy will be held on saturday in boston. president obama will deliver the
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eulogy. all four living former presidents have been invited. kennedy prayed at that church every day in 2003 when his daughter cara underwent treatment for lung cancer. also his body will be taken to arlington national cemetery in virginia, where he will be buried near his fallen brothers. he is eligible for burial at arlington because of his service in congress and two years in the army. a public service announce hadn't is reaching audiences all over the world. we're about to show you some of it. we have to warn you, it is very graphic. it's intended for teens in england to demonstrate the dangers of driving while texting. a young driver causes a major accident while driving a text. it's shown in great deal details over the next several minutes as at driver watchness horror, her friends in the car and other people die. what do you think?
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is it too graphic? is the psa too harsh? would you like to see it aired right here in the u.s.? for teenagers, maybe adults as well? give us a call, let us know your view. that's 877-tell-hln. you can also shoot us an e-mail by going to, click under "your views." we'll air some of your responses. we know you have an opinion on this one. new evidence has been released in the -- nine of the children were at home. surveillance cameras captured men entering the home and stealing a safe. there it is. ed lavandera has watched the tapes from pensacola, florida, with all the details. ed, we understand you were in court, just got out. what can you tell us?
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>> reporter: we spent the last 2 1/2 hours combing through the new le released evidence. under florida law, any time evidence like this is turned over in the discovery process, in the months leading up to a murder trial, once that evidence is turned over to defense attorneys, it then becomes public. however, the judge in this case ruled in what amounts to the video surveillance images and the crime scene photos, that those would be kept under a bit tighter control. so the deal that was reached, it would be under tightly controlled circumstances to view these tapes, and that's what we've been doing in the last 2 1/2 hours.
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there were 16 cameras on the property they had condensed most of that to see what is essentially the crime that took place in less than five minutes. there were two particular camera angles which were very striking. one where you see the initial moment where burt and melanie billings are confronted by the gunmen who break into their home. at one point you see burt kind of throw his arms up like he's not going to put up a fight, and another group of men come in behind him, and we understand this is where he was shot in the leg and you see him drop to the ground. you do not see the murders unfold on thinks videotapes. they take place in the couple's master bedrooms. the crime scene photographs do show a lot of that. however, one of the more powerful video images that we've
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seen is there was one child that was in that main living room who witnessed the beginning of that confrontation. from the video images are very grainy, but my guesstimate at best is that that child that was in the living room at one point being held by melanie billings could be no more than 5, 6, 7 years old, but the other camera angle that was incredibly powerful was from inside one of the children's rooms you see through the bedroom window, the red van that had brought some of these gunmen onto the property. you see them sleeping. you can see the men jump out of the van, run in toward the home, then there's no audio on these videotape. you can presume the child starts hearing gunshots. the child gets up, walks toward the door, visibly confused and frightened. she gets back into bed, crawls back out of the bed, at one
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point covers up her ears as well, and it's not until you see the gunmen reapproach the van that the young girl realizes that all of that is unfolding right below her bedroom windows and she approaches and is able to watch the van pull away. incredibly powerful, poignant moments, which captures the horrific scene. seven people have been charged here. will the tapes allow the police to know who drove the getaway car and so forth? is that why they're analyzing and dissecting? >> reporter: what these videotapes have done for authorities and they say it's been a crucial part of investigation, it brought them to the red van.
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however, when you do look at the videotapes, it's impossible to make out, at least in the glimpse that we have gotten, it is impossible to make out any faces or any discernible images of who was inside the home. however, authorities here tell us that local authorities are working with the fbi to enhance those video images, they're going through the process of using height and other factors that they are able to analyze those videotapes to kind of piece together with other evidence to pinpoint, you know, the seven suspects that they have arrested in this case. when you lack at these video images, it's not like you can say it's that particular suspect or that particular suspect. it doesn't give you that kind of clear picture. >> and nothing deterred these pictures. thank you, ed lavandera. well, it has been more than six months since ka leigh
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cummings, and we're getting more information about the polygraph tests, the results just ahead. . gecko: aw thank you, sir. boss: but i think there are a few other things you can say about what a reliable company geico is. gecko: right. uh, well maybe how geico's the third-largest car insurance company in america? nice tidbit there. boss: exactly. and i've been thinking, looking a bit more businesslike might help too. gecko: oh my. uhhh, no it's, what's, what's the word... vogeico. 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on car insurance. are working from the road using a mifi-- a mobile hotspot that provides up to five shared wi-fi connections. two are downloading the final final revised final presentation. - one just got an email. - woman: what?! hmph. it's being revised again. the copilot is on mapquest. and tom is streaming meeting psych-up music - from - ( heavy metal music playing ) that's happening now with the new mifi from sprint-- the mobile hotspot that fits in your pocket. sprint. the now network.
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right now we're keeping around eye on a chemical plan fire near detroit. live pictures for you. this is at a company that's involved with biofuels, as you see, heavy thick black smoke. flames pretty intense. no word of any injuries so far. about 100 homes in that surrounding area are being told to evacuate. traffic of course has been halted. fire departments have been spent in to help and extinguish that fire. newly released information shows ha leigh cummings stepmother may not be telling all she knows. misty cummings was the last person to see the girl before
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she disappeared, and insists she has no idea where haleigh is, but the director of equusearch says she failed the polygraph she took. police say she didn't do well on either test. >> deception indicated is the official statement, which is no surprise to us. we've said all along that misty has been inconsistent in her statements, and i agree with the point that was made by tim miller's investigator is that misty's consistency is inconsistency. >> ha leigh disappeared on the 10th. her father, ron cummings was supposedly gone to work. rick pitino said he had to
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fight back, the louisville basketball coach called a news conference after seeing a video of a woman telling police that he raped her. she didn't make that allegations until after she was accused of tries to extort millions he blasted the media for giving the video any airtime. >> if any of you put this on the news anymore, just if you're just fans of anything we've accomplished that's good, just change the channel. if the newspapers want to write about it, read something else. >> they says they had consensual sex in 2003. prosecutors in the extortion case have asked the judge to
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order a psychological exam for her. i'm not going to move and you are not going to arrest me! >> yes, it was a shoutdown at a health care protest. why police moved in with handcuffs, next. iting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. with zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. zyrtec® works fast, so i can love the air™.
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there's no discount for agreeing with me. yeah, i got carried away. happens to me all the time. helping you save money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. welcome back. a health care reform protest in a southeast georgia town got pretty loud and out of hand. a man confronted a small group of demonstrators who opposed reforming the health care system. then police stepped in. >> do i have what? i'm not going to move, and you are not going to arrest me. >> officer told the man to leave. when he didn't, they apparently grabbed him. you see it there. when the officers pulled out his tasers, he dropped to the ground and finally let them cuff him. he's charged with disorderly conduct. a bit of good news, you now
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have more control over your credit card debt, thanks to some new rules. clark howard tells you why. >> have you noticed something on any credit card bill you've received in the last week? look at the due date. that's required by the new rules that went into effect on the credit cardholder bill of rights. they're being phased in over a number of months. one of them is now suddenly magically you have one additional week to mail in your payment. a lot of credit card companies were paying fast and loose, when they mailed you a date, trying to put you into a box where you not have any way, really, to make your payment on time. second big change, this is key. if the credit card company wants to change terms and conditions on you, they now have to give you 45 days' notice. until the old rule, only 15 days. live to this. if you don't like what they're trying to do to you, you can reject it, they won't let you
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use the card anymore, but you pay off your balance under the old interest rate and old rules, not the new one. i'm clark howard. for more ways for you to be smart with your wallet, check me out at >> more consumer advice from clark howard every saturday and sunday at noon and 4:00 p.m. eastern. he will help you pay more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. a 7-year-old has a record to his name, a good one. guinness says mike pyrnum is the youngest to sail around the world. his father followed him with a support team. good for him. does it need to make you wince to think twice. what you are saying about this message to stop teenagers from texting while driving. your views are next.
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senator ted kennedy's family is holding a private mass at their compound in high answerport, massachusetts. later a motorcade will carry his body 70 miles to the john f. kennedy presidential library. samantha hays joins us with the latest. what can you tell us? >> reporter: hi, susan. the formal events getting under way today. culminating this weekend, saturday even at arlington national cemetery where the senator will be buried. starting off this morning with a private mass. senator ted kennedy is being
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remember remembered for his more than 40 years in service in the united states senate. for many in massachusetts, the man was admired for his ideas and ideals. >> the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dreams shall never die. >> reporter: as some porters paid tribute, while others send flowers to washington. the governor talked about filling the senator's vacant seat. >> he, like i, supports the current law that provides for a special election about five months out after a vacancy occurs, and he also made a reasonable request that the governor be permitted to appoint someone to serve for that five-point period until the special election occurs. as i say, i think that's imminently reasonable. >> reporter: the family gathered at the compound ahead of the senator's final journey that will take kennedy from
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massachusetts to arlington. first a motorcade from high answer per, then to the kennedy presidential library in boston where the senator's body will lie in repose. the senator will be laid to rest at arlington national cemetery near his brothers robert and president john f. kennedy. and, of course, in massachusetts and cape cod in particular, the kennedys are beloved. right now many people have gathered at the end of the driveway where the kennedy compound is located, awaiting that motorcade which is expected to leave high answerport soon on the way to boston. the kennedy familiar will be driving by several landmarks, including the church where their mother, rose fitzgerald kennedy, was baptized. also a park named in her honor that kennedy helped create. then on to the jfk library. they're expected to arrive there at 4:00, and the library will be
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open to the public around 6:00. reporting live, i'm samantha hayes, susan back to you. >> hoar are they handles the media? >> reporter: certainly they've been exposed to the media for a long time. senator kennedy was not only a longtime serving senator, but a figure known worldwide. if you saw some of the front pages of many papers across the country, his death is being recognized and he's being memorialized. though i haven't seen any interviews yet, they issued a statement early on, and they're very conscious of the fact that many people want to pay respects, so there will be they public viewing hours, not only today, but also tomorrow.
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>> samantha hays, we appreciate it. thanks. we have new information on the california girl who vanished 18 years ago. she has been found alive. jaycee digard. police have released the statement saying the woman is in fact the girl. they say she's in good health. we hope to learn more when police hold a news conference. his step father says it's like winning the lottery. he says his wife has talked to the woman and she had all the right answers to the question. a judge has approved michael vick's bankruptcy plan so he can pay back $20 million to creditors. the creditors also approved the plan. he was in court for the hearing, but will fly back to philadelphia for the preseason game. he was released from prison last
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month. we have dramatic new video of pirates off the coast of somalia firing at a u.s. navy helicopter. none of the crew members on the helicopter were hurt. the navy says the chopper wasn't hit by the fire. the pirates are abuyer a taiwanese flagship they seized back in april and authorities say they're using it as a so-called mother ship to launch other attacks. police say jasmine fiore may have been killed in her own car. they're checking it for evidence after finding her mercedes-benz yesterday. police in can a day are searching for the car driven by a woman who dropped off fiore's husband at a hotel before he killed himself. >> we have what you could call dismissed. we know for a fact that ryan's father, dan jenkins here in
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calgary owns a silver pt cruiser which matches the description of the vehicle seen outside the hotel in british columbia. we also know that a vehicle very similar to that one is now 700 miles to the west of us in vancouver, british columbia, parked in the building where ryan's half sister alina now lives. >> police believed he killed fiore before fleeing to canada. they say they could filed charges against the woman who drove him to the hotel unless they have proof that she knew he was a wanted man. and will they provide key evidence as police try to piece together the motive and timeline of the gruesome murder. plus whose's the pretty model alleged to have helped him? now a businessman reportedly says he received text messages from jenkins before the apparent
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suicide. nancy grace will have more liter on hln. danny is gathering strength in the atlantic. forecasters say it could be a category 1 hurricane by saturday. right now it appears danny will miss the carolina coast, those forecasters are advising them to monitor the storm. the storm could threaten new england this weekend and could be near cape cod by saturday night, so keep an eye out for that. rick pitino says it's not time for him to be warming the bench. the louisville coach is lashing out at the media after a new twis in the sex and extortion scandal. we'll show you the video that's making him so angry.
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welcome back. we start with live pictures of a chemical plant at a company involved in biofuels. you see the intense flames fully engulfed. no word of any injuries. that is the good news. about 100 homes in that immediate area are being evacuated. traffic of course has been halted in some areas, diverted on the i-75. fire departments from detroit and highland park have been sent in to try to extinguish that fire, get ahold of it. it looks like it's pretty much out of control. good news, no injuries so far. his lawyer told him not to do it, but rick pitino said he had to fight back on this one. the university of louisville basketball coach called a news conference. care sypher didn't make the
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allegation until after she was accused of tries to extort millions from pitino. pitino says the story is fake, and he blasted the media for giving the individual i don't any airtime. >> if any of you put this on the news anymore, just -- if you're just fans of anything we've accomplished good, just change the channel, and if the newspapers want to write about it, just read something else. >> two weeks ago, pitino said he and sypher had consensual sex in 2002. prosecutors have asked the judge to order a psychological exam for her. our series "money and main street" focusing on how to
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thrive. johna relio introduces us to a man who lost his job at a cigar factory. now he's helping former co-workers find new jobs. >> reporter: they'll still be there on stores, but they won't be coming from the city in the name. after a century of production, it's over. operations consolidated, moved to puerto rico. 495 people out of work. ron russell was a machinist at the tampa factory for 3 1/2 years. >> i thought i was safe in a 100-year-old company. >> reporter: he didn't cry nor did he start pounding the pavement looking for another job, no, he did something very different. >> we thank those of you who have come to offered hope. >> he started a website, on it the names, contact information and skims of former employees who want to be listed. one-stop shopping russell says,
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for companies looking for workers. >> so if i need an engineer? >> highlight "engineer" click search and we have mr. morris. >> morris says you worcht find better people than those on the site. what kind of person can i expect to find? >> simply put, quality. quality people. >> reporter: so far russell says the site has led to 30 jobs. at one time there were some 200 cigar factories in tampa. it's down to one now. company officials say a enough federal tax dramatically increased the price of their cigars and reduced consumption. >> this is a company that's given people tremendous livelihoods and it's all gone. >> reporter: dave is know as cigar dave on his syndicated radio talk show. >> it's an absolute preventable tragedy. there's no other product taxed at 53% in this nation.
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>> reporter: it was levied to help fund a federal health insurance programs for children. ironically, russell says his child now qualifies for the insurance. what about looking out for number one? >> when it's time. >> reporter: but russell says now it's time to find work for the others. john zarrella, cnn, tampa. well, how to provide in a tough economy, that's the question. believe it or not, people are doing it. for more on our series "money and main street" watch our sister network cnn tonight at 8:00 eastern. i'm not going to move and you are not going to arrest me. >> yes, it was a shoutdown at a health care protest. why police moved in with handcuffs. i've helped somebody.
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you know, it makes me feel pretty good. we're offering a solution for a customer that maybe has to choose between paying their credit card or putting food on the table. our main objective is to reach out to the customers that are falling behind on their payments. a lot of customers are proud and happy that bank of america actually has a solution to help them out. i listen. that's the first thing i do is i listen. you know what, what happened? what put you in this situation? and everyone's situation is different. we always want to make sure that we're doing what's best for our cardholders. i'll go through some of his monthly expenses, if he has a mortgage payment, if he pays rent. and then i'll use all that information to try and see what kind of a payment he financially can handle. i want to help you., bank of america wants to help you, through this difficult time. when they come to you and they say thank you aj,, for helping me with this problem, that's where we get our joy from.,
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there's no way to hide it. sir, have you been drinking tonight? if you ride drunk, you will get caught... and you will get arrested. (announcer) what are you going to miss when you have an allergy attack? achoo! (announcer) benadryl is more effective than claritin at relieving your worst mptoms. and works when you need it most. benadryl. you can't pause life.
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we want to share these live pictures of an intense kell cam fire right outside detroit. this is a company that's apparently involved with biofuels in hamtramck. we know authorities are searching a half mile in both directions, really testing the area, the air quality to make sure it's safe. the smoke and flames are pretty intense. good news, no word of any injuries so far. 100 homes in the area have been evacuated, but authorities are testing the outskirts to make sure it is safe, of course, traffic is affected both direction on the i-75, traffic has been halted completely. fire depends from detroit and nearby highland park have been sent in to help out. we understand that residents in the area heard the explosion. they are describing it as loud noises, huge explosion, then
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they saw that 90-foot flames in the area. there it is, intense fire burning right now, no records of any injuries. that is the good news. we'll keep you updated. new evidence has been released in the case of that florida couple killed in their bedroom last month while nine of their 13 children were at home at the time inside. surveillance cameras captured men entering the home and struggling with the couple. at least one child watched, looked on. ed lavandera just witnessed those tapes, looked at them and says what he saw was downright chilling. >> reporter: there were two particular camera angles which were very striking. one where you see the initial moment where burt and melanie billings are confronted by the gunmen who break into their home. at one point you see burt billings throw his arms up like he's not going to put up any fight, then another group come in from behind, and we
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understand this is where he was shot in the leg and you see him drop to the ground. the scuffle continues. you do not see the murders unfold on these videotapes. those take place in the couple's master bedroom inside the home. a judge allowed the media to view the tapes taken from the home, but said that no one could copy or distribute them. we have newly released information that shows haleigh cummings' stepmother may not have told everything she knows. she insists she has no idea where haleigh is, but the director of equusearch says that cummings failed the polygraph she took to try to clear her name. he says she took a lie detector test with the sheriff, and then requested equusearch to give her a second one.
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police say she didn't do well on either one. >> it indicated -- deception indicated to us. we've said all along that misty has been inconsistent in her statements and i agree with the point that was made by tim miller's investigator is that misty's consistency is inconsistency. >> haleighg disappeared on february 10th. misty cummings woke up in the middle of the night and she was gone. her father was at work at the time. a health care reform protest in a southeast georgia town got pretty loud and out of hand. a man confronted a small group of demonstrators who opposed reforming the health care system and then police stepped in. >> i am not going to move and you're not going to arrest me! i don't care what you have! >> officers told the man to leave when he didn't they grabbed him and when the
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officers pulled out their tasers he dropped to the ground and let them cuff him. a public service announcement has gone viral reaching an online audience all over the world and creating quite a controversy. we're about to show you some of it, it's very graphic. that's why it is controversial. intended for teenagers in england to demonstrate the dangers while texting. here it is, a young driver causes a major accident while sending a text message and exactly what happened as a result of that accident is shown right here in great detail over the next several minutes as the driver and it is graphic. we want to know what do you think about this? is it too disturbing? would you like to see it aired here in the u.s.? give us a call and tell us what you think. 877-835-5456. or you can e-mail us, just go to
12:52 pm, click under your views and you can text your opinion, text your word views comment and name t hlntv. we'll air your responses. keep it here. say it like, "mmmm, these healthy choice fresh mixers taste freshh!!" they taste fresh... wait. what are you doing? got it. you're secretly taping me? you were good too! but you know, it wasn't a secret to us, we knew... yes, but it was a secret to me. of course, otherwise i would be sitting like this and completely block his shot. so that's why i was like... didn't you notice this was weird? no. they taste fresh because you make them fresh. healthy choice fresh mixers. in the soup or pasta aisle.
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♪ ♪ which one's me - for a cool convertible or an suv? ♪ too bad i didn't know my credit was whack ♪ ♪ 'cause now i'm driving off the lot in a used sub-compact. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free credit report dot com, baby. ♪ ♪ saw their ads on my tv ♪ thought about going but was too lazy ♪ ♪ now instead of looking fly and rollin' phat ♪ ♪ my legs are sticking to the vinyl ♪ ♪ and my posse's getting laughed at. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free- credit report dot com, baby. ♪
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welcome back, everybody. a huge fire continues to rage at a chemical plant in michigan outside detroit sending plumes of black smoke into the air. joining us on the phone to discuss the unique challenges this poses for fire crews. we are joined by the fire chief in silver spring, maryland. thanks for your time. talk about those challenges. what are they facing right now? >> the biggest problem they have at this point is containing the flames itself and based on the fact because as i understand they have hydrocarbons burning there, they will have to provide a significant amount of foam to extinguish those fires. the other challenges they have, as i see in your online stuff is
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that they do have tanks there that are exposed. you could see fire burning out of the tops of those tanks. one problem they have concerns about is that those tanks could, in fact, explode and rocket through the air dropping debris throughout the community. so, getting sufficient qualities of water and foam on those tanks is really critical to prevent those from failing. you can see the amount of pressure coming out of that top of that tank that you were showing right now out of the release valve there. >> of course, if it spreads, the total capacity of this plant is 5 million gallons of mostly industrial lubricants. how toxic are those lubricants, generally. >> well, the toxicity, as you can see, you have significant amount of fire here and in many cases they will do a controlled burn and your amount of toxicity is burned out because the fire is so hot. however, once it starts to cool down, that smoke plume that you have will have a variety of toxics in it that are harmful
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not only to firefighters but the citizens in the community. >> in that regard, are they continuously monitoring the air quality? >> i would hope so. i would think that the epa or the department of environmental protection for that community would be down during that monitoring so they could take the appropriate precautions and then they require some evacuation down wind on the other hand and they have people simply stand in their homes and close up their homes to avoid taking any toxics. >> we'll keep our eye on it, very highly populated area. roger mcgory the former chief there. thank you so much for your expertise. the fire burning that sterling oil and gas, a company that makes industrial lubricants, mostly for the auto industry. the fire broke out around 11:30 eastern time today. three or four plant workers inside escaped unharmed. again, we'll keep our eye on that. stunning developments in the case of a california girl who went missing 18 years ago and may now be found. police say she has been found
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and in good health. she was 11 when she was abducted walking to a bus stop near her home in south lake tahoe in 1991. the fbi had been talking to a woman who surfaced at a bay area police station claiming to be dugard. the woman is, in fact, jaycee dugard. his wife has talked to the woman and she had the right answers to his wife's questions. take a listen to the girl's mother from 18 years ago when she pleaded for her daughter's safe return. again, this is 1991. >> young, innocent child and you may like her, but we love her, too and it's time that she comes home to her family. her sissy has been asking for her. and she needs to be with us. >> again, 1991.
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apparently, it's going to have a happy ending. we'll learn a lot more as police in concord, california, will hold a news conference shortly and we'll bring that to you when it happens. there's new evidence in the case of the florida couple killed in their bedroom in the panhandle, not far from pensacola last month as nine of their 13 children were inside the home. surveillance cameras captured men entering byrd and melanie billings' house and struggling with the couple. ed lavandera watches the video and joins us live from pensacola. ed? >> hi, chuck. we spent two and a half hours this morning going through videotapes and more than 2,000 crime scene photographs that have been produced here in pensacola. these have been turned over to defense attorneys and under florida law, that means that they're able to be viewed by the public and the media, as well. however, under a deal with the billings' family and an attorney that filed an injunction to prohibit the wide release of these, these videotapes and
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images are not being released, but members of the public and news media are being allowed to view them here under tightly controlled situations. but to get to those video images of the surveillance video inside the home. we have already seen some of those video images. if you remember this case, you see the images of men approaching the house and red van approaching the house and now we've seen video images taken from inside the home where the surveillance cameras capture the struggle. two angles in particular we found rather interesting. one, which shows the initial confrontation between the gunman and byrd and melanie billings. it takes place in their living room. at one point you see byrd billings lifting his hands up in the air, almost as if to kind of surrender and two men approach from behind him and shoot him in the leg, he falls to the ground. what you do not see on these videotapes detailed images of the gunmen's faces and you do not see the murders themselves. those murders took place in the billings' master bedroom. and we've seen the crime scene
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photographs of that. we'll spare you the details. suffice it to say that took outside the view of any surveillance cameras inside. but what is rather troubling and disturbing is that one of their children was in the living room and had walked in just moments before the gunman walked in and was standing by a coffee table about five, six feet away from the couple. at one point what appears to be melanie billings holding on to that child at one point. this is grainy video images, but that's what it looked like to me, as well. the second video camera angle was taken inside one of the children's room. a girl about 10 to 12 years old and she's laying down in her bed sleeping when this the van you see approach outside of the bedroom window just below her window. she's on the second floor there. the video camera angle shows her in the bed and the van approaching just outside the window. and you see her, she's continuing to sleeping as we presume she hears the gunshot and you see the young girl get
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up to approach the door and go back to bed and get up again to go approach the door and cover herself up with the covers. it almost looks as if she's covering up her ears unbeknownst that that red van is outside her window. not until the end you see the men jump back into the van through that window that the young girl approaches the window and sees the gunman drive off away from their home and then she leaves the room. so, chuck, rather poignant and powerful video images and even though authorities say you can't make out the faces of the gunmen in these videos, they say that they have turned over these videotapes to fbi authorities who are helping them enhance the images to give them a clearer picture and that based in connection with other evidence will help put all these suspect at the scene of the crime. >> ed, well done, thank you. very chilling. there's no audio on these tapes, video only. ed, thank you, appreciate it. disturbing new details are emerging about the death of a
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pastor at a small church. investigators say the body of 61-year-old carol daniels was staged. that is, it was moved into an unnatural position after she was killed. they say daniels died of multiple sharp force injuries. clergy members to take safety precautions. they're not sure if the minister was specifically targeted, but they're worried this killer could strike again. >> a very evil person. a person with no soul. i'm not going to go into what was done. >> i don't want them to die. i want him to live. i want him punished and off the street and i don't want anyone else to go through what we've gone through. >> police held a closed door meeting last night to talk about security issues. a $13,000 reward leading to an arrest and conviction in the case. at any moment a motorcade carrying the body of senator ted kennedy will leave his compound
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in cape cod and begin a journey into boston. the kennedy family held a private mass at the home in hyannis port. it will carry his body to the john f. kennedy library where it will lie in repose for two days during the 70-mile journey to boston they'll pass sites that meant a great deal to the senator including the church where his mother, rose, was baptized. and this evening a public viewing at the library that kennedy spent decades help development. thousands will file past the casket to pay tribute to the last brother of a political dynasty. a private funeral for kennedy will be held saturday in boston. president obama will deliver the eulo eulogy. all four living presidents have been invited. he prayed every day at that church when his daughter, kara, underwent lung cancer. he will be buried this weekend
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near his fallen brothers. he is eligible for burial at arlington for his service in congress and two years in the army. sailing around the world would be tough on anybody and now imagine doing it as a teenager alone. what makes this young man's journey even more impressive. (announcer) what are you going to miss when you have an allergy attack? achoo! (announcer) benadryl is more effective than claritin at relieving your worst mptoms. and works when you need it most. benadryl. you can't pause life.
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michael vick is taking care of business in a virginia courtroom before trying to take care of business on the football field. today a bankruptcy judge approved a plan for vick to repay creditors more than $20 million on the condition that he hires a personal financial planner. vick is en route back to philadelphia right now and expected to take the field as the eagles play a preseason game tonight. his first nfl game since serving time for running a dog fighting ring. well, only one month after an american teenager became the youngest person to sail around the world solo, a british teenager has broken his record. mike perhan traveled 28,000
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miles in nine months overcoming waves and technical problems. his journey ended in cornwell, england. his father sailed in a boat just behind him, but he could not assist him. he is a few months younger than zack from california who completed a solo trip in july. at least two wildfires are burning in or around the angles forest. one is 45% contained, but fire captains report the other is only about 20% contained. but we're fortunate because an i-reporter matt hartman has sent in some great photos of the fire. he joins us by webcam from l.a. great images. thanks so much. what is the latest? are the flames burning towards or away from population centers? >> the latest, as fares as this morning it is around 30 acres, 20% contained and about 100 men on the ground and four
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helicopters, two six wing and no structures are threatened and today is kind of a wait and see day, especially with the weather coming in today. >> it's awfully hot and dry. how close is this to the jet propulsion lab? >> jpl is about three to five miles west of the location and the smoke is definitely affecting it because of the winds, the santa ana conditions and the low humidity and high heat. >> you got awfully close could you feel the wind and the heat from the flames? >> most definitely. you know, most wildfires create their own weather patterns and their own winds. you could hear the winds whipping up from these flames and generating its own weather and it's definitely scary stuff to listen to because it's right in front of you at 300 yards in front of me and it was a little scary at times. >> i bet it was. generally, do hikers and campers start these fires or lightning strikes or what is the prevailing theory here? >> right now because of the conditions and the weather
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around here lately it's definitely suspicious in origin because there is no dry lightning and hasn't been any storms and these are well-traveled highways and byways and hiking trails up there and without dry lightning conditions it is very suspicious. i would say it's probable an automobile, motorcyclist or a hiker starting there or residuals from these people. >> you got very close. these are terrific images, matt. last question, about five seconds. did this foul the air in pasadena or glendale? >> oh, yeah. we've been able to smell. i have all my windows closed in my house right now because it's gross. the air quality is gross. just yuck. >> matt hartman, many, many thanks. thanks. when you have pictures or videos like he does, send them to and click the upload now link. right nukeeping an eye on the chemical plant fire in detroit and as you can see the flames of smoke are pretty
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intense. slightly smaller than when it began. it began at 11:30 eastern. no word on any injuries so far. about 100 homes in the area are being evacuated and traffic has been rerouted or halted on i-75. the air quality is being closely monitored. the fire department spokesman tells affiliate ddiv this fire started when a tanker was being fuelled and quickly spread to other tankers and to those giant silos. fire departments from neighboring detroit and highland park and other jurisdictions have sent in crews to help out. show and tell
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you weren't always my favorite day. with all the pet hair in the air, i'd spend class preoccupied, bothered by itchy eyes. but now i have new zyrtec® itchy eye drops. it works fast, with just one drop, to relieve my itchy eyes from allergies for up to 12 hours. no other allergy itchy eye drop works faster or longer. which is good, 'cause there's a lotta paws to shake.
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with new zyrtec® itchy eye drops i can love the air™. (announcer) find it in the allergy aisle next to other zyrtec® products. could save 'em hundreds on car just telinsurance.e geico it's actually doing it. gecko vo: businessmen say "hard work equals success." well, you're looking at, arguably, the world's most successful businessgecko. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength. gecko vo: second rule: "don't steal a coworker's egg salad, 'specially if it's marked "the gecko." come on people. this is new video we received from turkey. a train crash under to raconstruction vehicle that was trying to cross over the tracks. four passengers onboard were killed and more than a dozen hurt and several cars derailed. the train was traveling from the
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capital to the largest city izstanble. misty cummings was the last person to see the girl before she disappeared from the florida home in february. she insists she has no idea where haleigh is but the director of the texas company equisearch says cummings failed the polygraph test that she took voluntarily to try to clear her name. she had take on the lie detector test with the sharef and then requested equisearch give her a second test. she didn't do well on either one. >> it indicated that misty was deception indicated is the official statement, which is no surprise to us. we said all along that misty has been inconsistent in her statements. and i agree with the point that was made by tim miller's investigator, which is that misty's consistency is inconsistency.
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>> haleigh cummings vanished in the night february 10th. misty cummings said she woke up in the middle of the night and saw she was gone. her father was at work at the time. the labor department says there were less or fewer laid off workers filing unemployment claims and fewer claims overall last week. despite the drop, both figures indicate the economy is not healthy and analysts expect the unemployment rate would keep rising. nasa is hoping to launch the space shuttle "discovery" late tomorrow night. that will be the third attempt to send "discovery" into the international space station. managers have decided not to blast off tomorrow morning saying they need more time to study a fuel valve problem that scrubbed the shuttle launch yesterday. well, at any moment a motorcade carrying the body of senator edward m. kennedy will leave his beloved compound in cape cod and begin its journey into boston. you see an honor guard.
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nine active duty military service members who are serving as a color guard or actually an honor guard will be more appropriate to watch over the procedures and to show the respect that the nation held and continues to hold to senator edward kennedy in his death. last hour the family held a private mass at that hyannis port home. it will lie in repose for most of two days until tomorrow. during the journey the motorcade will pass by the sites that meant a great deal to the senator, including the church where his mother, rose, was baptized. this evening a public viewing at the library, which kennedy spent decades developing for his brother, the former president. and there's part of the motorcade route. they have yet to leave. they're expected to leave shortly. thousands will file past the closed caskt to pay tribute to the last brother of a political dynasty. we will be back. upbeat rock ♪ singer:wanted to get myself a new cell phone ♪
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♪ so i could hear myself as a ringtone ♪ ♪ who knew the store would go and check my credit score ♪ ♪ now all they let me have is this dinosaur ♪ ♪ hello hello hello can anybody hear me? ♪ ♪ i know i know i know i shoulda gone to ♪ ♪ free credit report dot com! ♪ that's where i shoulda gone! coulda got my knowledge on! ♪ ♪ vo: free credit score and report with enrollment in triple advantage. kelly saunder's nature valley. ♪ the place that inspires her to go faster... ♪ and slower. ♪ elk mountains, colorado.
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where's yours? 100% natural nature valley granola bars. the taste nature intended. ♪ bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. with zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine,
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i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. zyrtec® works fast, so i can love the air™.
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we're still watching a chemical fire, which is still burning outside of detroit in michigan. you can see the flames and smoke are still pretty intense. it's not as big a fire as it was maybe an hour ago. this broke out exactly two hours ago. nobody was injured. three or four workers were inside and everybody got out okay. investigators tell affiliate wdiv it apparently began when a tanker was being fuelled and it quickly spread to other tankers nearby. this is a 5 million gallon facility. mostly industrial lubricants. 100 homes in the area. they are being or have been evacuated. traffic has been halted on i-75 in both directions and that's a headache. amtrak service disrupted between pontiac and detroit and the air
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quality is being closely monitored. fire departments from neighboring detroit and highland park have been sent in to try to help out. here's new video we have from turkey. a train crash under to a construction vehicle. we're getting two different reports on what happened. the mayor of a nearby town says the earth moving machine was trying to cross the tracks when the train hit, but a passenger on the train tells cnn that the machine slid down a hillside and crash under to the train. in any event, several cars derailed and several passengers killed and more than a dozen hurt and some people still stuck in the first car of the train. leave his beloved compound on cape cod to begin a 70-mile trip into boston. this last hour the kennedy family held a private mass at the home in hyannis port, the
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home to his brother and his parents. the motorcade will carry kennedy's body past the jfk library. it will lie in repose there tomorrow. it will go into boston proper right downtown and pass a lot of sites that were very dear to the senator. the church where his mother, rose, was baptized, the office where he as a young man worked. he will pass mayor tom manino is going to ring a bell 47 times representing the 47 years that kennedy served in congress. this evening a public viewing at the kennedy library. he spent decades developing that library for his brother. thousands will file past the closed casket to pay tribute to the last brother of a political dynasty. a private funeral for kennedy is to be held on saturday in boston. president obama will deliver the eulogy at and all four former
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living presidents were invited and believed that all four will attend. he prayed every day in 2003 where his daughter, kara, underwent treatment for lung cancer. he will be buried just several feet from his fallen brothers, bobby kennedy and john kennedy. he is eligible for burial there because of his service in congress and the two years he served in the army. stunning developments in the case of a california girl who went missing in 1991 and maybe has turned up. police say jaycee dugard has been found and in good health. she was abducted walking to her bus stop in tahoe in 1991. talking to a woman who surfaced at a bay area police station claiming to be jaycee dugard. his wife has talked to the woman
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and she had the right answers to his wife's questions. a police raid is under way in antioch, california. these are live pictures from kgo in the bay area. we understand it is connected to the case. so, a lot we don't know. a lot we're efforting, as they say. more information shortly. a police raid in antioch, california. again, this is the san francisco bay area where the now young woman apparently turned herself in to a police station in the concord area in the east bay. we'll bring you more as we get it. new evidence has been released in the case of the florida couple killed in their bedroom last month as 9 of their 13 children were home. surveillance cameras captured men wearing ninja garb and black masks entering the home of byrd and melanie billings and one child was watching it all. ed lavandera has watched those tapes and what he saw was downright chilling. >> there were two particular camera angles which were very striking. one where you see the initial moment where byrd and melanie
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billings are confronted by the gunman who break into their home. at one point you see byrd throw his arms up like he's not going to put up any fight and then another group of men come up from behind him and we understand where this was shot in the leg and you see him drop it to the ground. and then the scuffle continues. you do not see the murders unfold on these videotapes. those take place in the couple's master bedroom, inside the home. >> and the whole sequence takes only just a few minutes. it was almost assault team precision. a judge allowed the media to review the tapes taken from the home, but no copy could be distributed and seven people have been charged in the couple's death. and back to massachusetts. a motorcade carrying the body of senator ted kennedy about to begin a final journey. earlier the family held a private mass and deborah feyerick is outside the compound right now joining us with a live
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update. deb? >> well, hey, there, chuck. one of the interesting things is after the service was over and remember the kennedy cousins came out on to the porch, the porch that is there in front of the main house, the house that used to belong to joe kennedy and then ted kennedy and they were hugging each other and, really, there was a sense of joy to it that they were reconnecting there, supporting one another. we are seeing a little bit of movement there. a couple folks got into a hearse earlier. there is a bus, that bus is going to carry some of the family members also to the john f. kennedy memorial, the library in boston there. now, we can tell you one interesting thing and that is the future of the compound is sort of right now up in the air. a close family associate is now telling cnn that kennedy had numerous conversations about possibly turning the main house
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there into some sort of museum or a non-profit educational center to preserve the history. what's so interesting is that, you know, you have such vivid pictures and images of the young kennedys, the nine siblings playing on the lawn, the images that really define such an important part of american history and so whether it is continued to be used as a summer home or something else, that now possibly in play. now, the widow, ted kennedy's widow, victoria reggie, we have not seen her over the course of the last 48 hours, but we are told by a family friend that she is in relatively good spirits. that she is happy that, in fact, the two of them had this time together. she says that her husband, senator kennedy, was able to do everything he wanted to do except for getting health care passed, but they really were able to spend a wonderful year together. and a year that they were lucky to have. we saw many faces that we
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recognized, caroline kennedy, maria shriver, joe kennedy, bobby kennedy and the generation that will now, basically, assume the mantle now that senator kennedy is gone. 29 cousins, all of them really held together because of senator kennedy and his role as the patriarch of the family. again, we're just waiting for the casket to be brought out. he was lying in repose in the sun room in the main house and the honor guard standing ready to make sure that it happens. back to you, chuck. >> deborah feyerick, thanks. great images. appreciate it. all right, we have this story, as well. >> absolutely brilliant. you know, i'm feeling ecstatic. >> can you tell he has a british acsent? he has sailed himself into the record books. ( sighs )
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( music throughout ) hey bets, can i borrow a quarter, sure, still not dry? i'm trng to shrink them. i lost weight and now some clothes are too big. how did you do it? simple stuff. eating right and i switched to whole grain. whole grain... studies show that people who eat more whole grain
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tend to have a healthier body weight. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains... and 110 calories per lightly sweetened serving. more grains. less you. multigrain cheerios.
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a public service announcement, a psa has gone viral reaching an online audience all over the world and creating a bit of a stir. we're about to show you some of it, it's pretty graphic. fair warning. it is to demonstrate the dangers of texting while driving. a teen causes a major accident and exactly what happens as a result of that accident is shown in great detail over several minutes as the driver watches in horror. her friends in her car and people in other vehicles die. what's your thought about that? you think it's over the top? is it offensive? is it effective? most of you are fine with it, but we'd like to hear from both
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sides. you have a problem with the psa? give us a call. 877-835-5456. if you're on the worldwide web or text views plus your comment and name to hlntv. standard text rates apply. let's hear from you. it took him nine months, a british teen has broke an record by becoming the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe. melissa long is here with more. youngest by how much? >> just a few months. he completed this, as you mentioned, in nine months. traveling some 30,000 miles in a 50-foot boat all by his lonesome. we'll introduce you to him right now. he did have to battle winds and 50-foot waves and a share of technical problems, as well. he tells the bbc that being on his own was certainly the most difficult part because there's nobody to help him out there and he said he did miss physical contact.
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let us show you his past. set off on his journey on the 15th of november and he traveled south in the atlantic around africa, south africa and celebrating his 17th birthday right there and went under australia through the pacific ocean and through the panama canal and then coming back to the atlanta and the finish line cornwell, england, and back to where he started from a grand celebration when he got back. celebrating not only this and his 17th birthday, as well. he did break the record of an american who completed the same journey in just a few months longer in 13 months and, again, he is the youngest guy ever to pull this off turning 17 while on this grand global adventure. >> there's a kid with a bright future. >> absolutely. >> what else is getting all the traffic at >> this is a quirky story. i'm not sure if you hurt of it. a rhyming slang and the story is out of england today. what is it? we'll explain right now. because you can use cockney or
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english when you go to the atm in order to get some cash. it's basically a phrase that rhymes with the word you actually want to use. so, thus, as i mentioned, rhyming slang. so, say you go to the atm and it asks you for your pin. instead of a pin number it will say please enter, please enter your huckleberry fin. never mind moolah for your money. chuck, this is so hard for me to say. let me just let the locals do it because they can do it and i'm stumbling all over the place. >> all right. did you get that? >> i didn't get one of them. i have a hard enough time picking up the geico commercials. >> it's out of east london and popular culture, as well. you may have seen it in the film "ocean 11" "mary poppins." >> please enter your huckleberry
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pin instead of please insert your pin and nevermind contact your bank, but rattle and tank. oy va. >> about nine cultures going there at once. all right, melissa, great job, thanks so much. after a stint in prison, michael vick is getting ready to call the plays on an nfl field and before he does that, before he faces a defensive front line, he faced a judge. it's what doct most for headaches. for arthritis pain... in your hands... knees... and back.
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for little bodies with fevers.. and big bodies on high blood pressure medicine. tylenol works with your body... in a way other pain relievers don't... so you feel better... knowing doctors recommend tylenol... more than any other brand of pain reliever. so? mmmm ok. you were right. these healthy choice fresh mixer thingys, they taste fresh... say it again! what? say it like, "mmmm, these healthy choice fresh mixers taste freshh!!" they taste fresh... wait. what are you doing? got it. you're secretly taping me? you were good too! but you know, it wasn't a secret to us, we knew... yes, but it was a secret to me. of course, otherwise i would be sitting like this and completely block his shot. so that's why i was like... didn't you notice this was weird? no. they taste fresh because you make them fresh. healthy choice fresh mixers. in the soup or pasta aisle.
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well, apparently suspects have been taken into custody in the disappearance and apparently the safe return of a missing child. this is 18 years ago, so, it's obviously now a young woman who has been found safe and sound. apparently the case has been solved. this is a raid going on at a house in antioch, california, that is, obviously, related to the case. affiliate ktvu reports two suspects have been taken into custody in the abduction of that young girl who was 11. jaycee lee dugard was abducted at a bus stop in the lake tahoe area and was apparently living
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at that residence that we just showed you. she was 1 1 at the time and she turned up in good health. we don't know exactly where she's been the entire 18 years, we do hope to learn more at a news conference later today. again, there's a raid under way and the san francisco bay area in antioch, california, which is not far from the police station where she showed up just this week. we'll bring you late developments and more on that apparent arrest in the case just ahead. live picture, again, from hyannis port, massachusetts. here it is. the casket bearing senator edward kennedy's remains being loaded on to a hearse. the vehicles will make their way from the family compound there north into boston and the late senator's body will lie in repose at the jfk library on the south side of boston. it will also take a tour through boston itself to go past several landmarks. you can imagine during the middle of a work day how many
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people will show up in boston proper to show their respect to the late senator who was so much a part of massachusetts history. again, this is just now beginning. and we're going to keep it here for just a few moments. there is the kennedy family emerging from the compound and the woman on the right in the black is victoria, his wife who spent the last year with him, obviously, it was painful for her, but she has told all of her family and friends that they did enjoy that time together. they went sailing as much as his health would allow. he obviously underwent surgery at a hospital at duke medical center down in north carolina about a year ago and he underwent a punishing round of chemotherapy of radiation and other treatment and she went into serious decline, of course, this spring. he has not been in the capital in washington for several months
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and he did, of course, attend the inaugural of president barack obama. he suffered a seizure at a party at a reception reception afterwards and has largely been out of the public's sight since then. this is a color guard. there are nine active duty u.s. military service personnel who are performing this color guard to honor an army veteran after all and a man who will be laid to rest over the weekend at arlington national cemetery. not far from the eternal flame where, of course, the body of john f. kennedy, his late brother and former president was laid to rest, and also not far from where bobby kennedy, his older brother, the former new york senator who was killed in june 1968 was also laid to rest. again, ted kennedy's remains are being carried. i am just going to go silent as you watch this proceeding for the next 30 seconds or so.
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the hearst is going to take the remains of ted kennedy into
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boston 70 miles and we'll be watching it from many different vantage points just ahead.
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18 years after she went missing, an 11-year-old returns to her parents as a full-grown woman, if you can imagine. hear how the mystery was solved. and there is no mistaking the message behind this public service announcement. teens, don't text while you drive. it's pretty graphic. does it go too far? we'll hear from you. and one final trip through the state that meant so much to him. you're watching it live as the motorcade carries the body of senator ted kennedy from the family compound to his brother's presidential library. we, of course, will track that for you. this is hln "news and views." so glad you're with us on this thursday. i'm susan hendricks. as i mentioned, you're
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looking at a motorcade carrying the body of senator ted kennedy. it's about to leave the family compound on cape cod for its final journey to boston. earlier today the kennedy family held a private mass at his home in hyannis port that you're looking at there in the background. just moments ago kennedy's flag-draped casket was carried into a hearst. it will carry kennedy's body to the john f. kennedy presidential library where it will lie in repose until tomorrow. the motorcade will pass sights that meant a great deal to senator kennedy, including the church where his mother, rose, was baptized. there will be a public viewing at the library. thousands will file past the closed casket to pay tribute to the last brother of this political dynasty. and a private funeral for kennedy will be held saturday in boston. president barack obama will deliver the eulogy at our lady
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of perpetual help basilica. all former living presidents have been invited. kennedy prayed at that church in 2003 when his daughter kara underwent treatment for lung cancer. his body will be taken to arlington national cemetery in virginia where he will be buried near his fallen brothers. kennedy is eligible for burial at arlington because of his service in congress, of course, and also his two years in the army. we, of course, will continue to follow that live for you. meanwhile, we're following this story. an amazing story here. a long nightmare is over for a young girl in california who was kidnapped 18 years ago. police found her alive and doing well. jaycee dugard was 11 when she was abducted when walking to the bus stop. we don't know who kidnapped her yet, but we do know police are conducting a raid right now. there it is, live pictures of that raid at a home in antioch, california. that's in connection, of course, to that case, and according to
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local reports this is where due guard ga -- dugard had been living for all these years. brian is here with the latest. what can you tell us now? >> reporter: can you imagine 18 years you've held out hope that one day you would be reunited with your daughter and it appears that's exactly what's going to happen for jaycee dugard's mother and stepfather who have held out hope for all this time. yesterday she apparently walked into a police station down in san francisco and turned herself in saying i am the girl that's been missing. we know two people are in custody, a man and a woman, and all of this is starting to come together. as she went missing june 10th, 1991. she was just 11 years old at the time. she was on her way to the bus stop right before her stepfather's eyes. just 150 yards away. a car pulls up behind her a man and woman inside, dragged her into the car and speed away. that was 18 years ago. that was the last anyone has
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seen of jaycee until yesterday when she came into that police station. now, they're interviewing her. they are 99% sure she is the missing girl. they're going to do a dna test just to cross all their ts and dot all their is. they believe she will alive and well. we are expecting more details at a 3:00 press conference here in the town of plaserville at the sheriff's office and hoping to learn more about this case and about where this girl has been all this time. i'm brian hickey. susan, back to you. >> cases like this don't always have such a good ending. i understand the stepdad at first was apprehensive but said it's her, she answered all the questions we asked. >> and she's got a birth mark that the mother will be looking to for her own proof that it is her daughter some 18 years later. you can imagine how much she's changed in that time. last seen her when she was 11. talking to one of the investigators this morning outside of the sheriff's office saying this is a one in a million case. >> yes, it is.
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brian hickey, thanks so much for that live report on this amazing case. we appreciate it. some new information. new mexico governor bill richardson won't be charged in an investigation into pay to play allegations. that's according to the associated press. a federal grand jury began looking into an alleged scream in which lucrative state work went to a donor who supported governor richardson. top justice department officials made the decision not to pursue indictments. the investigation was the reason the governor dropped out as president obama's nominee for commerce secretary. a freshman congresswoman is apologizing for saying the gop was still searching for a great white hope to stop president obama's political agenda. kansas republican lynn jenkins said she used the phrase to reassure republicans the party has promising young leaders. she said she meant it as a bright light or rising star and was unaware of any negative connotation in her words. she also apologized if she offended anyone. new evidence has been
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released in the case of that florida couple killed in their bedroom last month while nine of their 13 children were inside at the time. surveillance cameras captured men wearing ninja garb and black masks entering byrd and melanie billings home and struggling with the couple as at least one of the children looked on. ed lavandera just watched those taption and says wh tames and says what he saw was downright chilling. >> reporter: there were two camera angles that were very striking. one where you see the initial moment where byrd and melanie billings are confronted by the gunmen who break into their home. at one point you see byrd kind of throw his arms up like he's not going to put up any fight and then another group of men come in from behind him and we understand this is where he was shot in the leg, and you see him drop to the ground. and then the scuffle continues. you do not see the murders unfold on these videotapes. those take place in the couple's
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master bedroom inside the home. >> a judge allowed the media to view the tapes taken from the home but said no one could copy or distribute them as we hear from ed. he witnessed those. seven people have been charged in the couple's death. let's talk about weather now and tropical storm danny is gathering strength in the atlantic. forecasters say it could be a category 1 hurricane by saturday. right now it appears danny though will@ miss the carolina coast. although forecasters are advising people all along the east coast to watch that storm, keep their eyes out. the storm could threaten new england this weekend and could be near cape cod by saturday night. so something to look out for there on the east coast. back to those live pictures for you. a motorcade carrying the body of senator ted kennedy has left his beloved compound on cape cod to begin its journey to boston. earlier the kennedy family held a private mass at his home in hyannis port. the motorcade will carry kennedy's body to the jfk presidential library where it will lie in repose until
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tomorrow and tonight there will be a public viewing at the library which kennedy spent decades helping develop in honor of his brother. we'll be right back. you're watching hln. 90s slacker hip-hop. ♪ singer: buckle up, everybody 'cause pu're taking a ride ♪
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♪ that can strain your relationships and hurt your pride ♪ it's the credit roller aster ♪ ♪ and as you can see it kinda bites! ♪ ♪ so sing the lyrics with me: ♪ when your debt goes up your score goes down ♪ ♪ when you pay a little off it goes the other way 'round ♪ ♪ it's just the same for everybody, every boy and girl ♪ ♪ the credit roller coaster makes you wanna hurl ♪ ♪ so throw your hands in the air, and wave 'em around ♪ ♪ like a wanna-be frat boy trying to get down ♪ ♪ then bring 'em right back to where your laptop's at... ♪ ♪ log on to free credit report dot com - stat! ♪ vo: free credit score and report with enrollment in triple advantage.
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as scientists look for cleaner forms of fuel, one groups of researchers say the key could be something slimy. we're talking about algae. emily chang has more in this edition of "ecosolutions." >> reporter: it looks like just a bunch of green goo, but the algae surging through these pipes could be the key to a low carbon future. inside this greenhouse in china, researchers at a private company called enn are studying how to turn algae into energy or biofuel. could you use this to power a car or fly an airplane?
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continental airlines has completed a test fly using a biofuel. exxon, often accused of lagging in its pursuit of alternative energy is now one of many companies jumping on the bandwagon, pouring money into algae energy research. >> if successful, we see biofuels going into our refineries, being processed with other petroleum products, and coming out and going straight in the distribution system and into gasoline stations around the country. >> reporter: so why algae so attractive? well, it can multiply in size several times a day. it feeds on massive amounts of carbon dioxide or co2, a greenhouse gas, cleaning up emissions as it grows. >> aur thanks to emily chang for that report. the next step is genetic engineering. researchers hope to cultivate analogy strain that has the
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highest oil content and absorbs carbon dioxide the fastest. perhaps no american city has been hit harder by the recession and the decline of the auto industry than detroit, michigan. a rock star from the motor city is doing what he can to turn things around.'s poppy harlow reports. >> reporter: this is no ordinary concert. it's kid rock performing at his biggest headline show ever bringing 80,000 people to his hometown of detroit. talk about a city that needs an economic stimulus like that. ♪ ♪ it makes us who we are in times like these ♪ >> reporter: detroit has never seen times like these, but the people of this city have an unexpected patron in kid rock. the bad boy from detroit has become the voice of a city in
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peril. how long have you had this? >> this? oh, geez, probably ten years. >> reporter: you won't leave, will you? >> no, i'll never leave. we've got one more song for you. >> reporter: the downfall of the auto industry hits home for kid rock whose father made a living selling american cars. >> it's important to everybody in this town. >> reporter: and in this perilous time this self-proclaimed son of detroit is working on more than just his music. >> as i have gotten older, i have become more in tune with that and realize how much the stuff that i'm doing can help people. >> you look at the impact he's having here in detroit in terms of the foundation at wayne state university, trying to fund music scholarships for kids there. i think he's had a major positive impact on detroit, which is something this economy needs right now. >> reporter: kid rock's music scholarship is funded by t-shirt sales from the apparel company he bought out of bankruptcy, made in detroit, and believe it or not, his recently launched
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american bad ass beer, that can be thanked for creating jobs in the state. more than 400 jobs. >> there's no way to get love back and get respect if you don't give it first. i've always tried to do that, give everything i have to this city. >> reporter: but battling rampant unemployment, detroit has problems much bigger than even this larger than life rocker can solve. >> it's got to get cleaned up, you know. they've got to bring -- i mean, we just almost need an angel. ♪ because this is my hometown >> reporter: and, you know, he said at the end detroit almost needs an angel, and it's interesting, we spoke with his father while we were there with him in detroit right before his concert, and his father said in some ways i think that kid rock is this city's angel, and i have to tell you this morning i got an e-mail from someone i work with down there in atlanta at cnn and she wrote i'm a native detroiter who gets tired of
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hearing all the bad necoming ou of my hometown. kid rom ck is a true hero never forgetting where he came from. >> it seems he's committed saying i'm never leaving. i'm here to stay. >> he really is. this is no act, no show. it was hard to even get the interview let alone private information out of him. he really does not do this for the media. he does it for his city. >> thank you, poppy. chris brown is singing about how everyone is hating him these days. brown is sentenced to probation for beating rihanna. in his new song is brown asking her to come back? "showbiz tonight's" a.j. hammer has his take. it's just all these giant things make me look small. i eat this fiber one yogurt. (mr. mehta) it has five grams of fiber, zero fat, and fifty calories. please, this is too creamy and delicious. it's true, only fifty calories., (announcer) fiber one yogurt. new aches and pains,
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...and new questions about which pain reliever is right for your body. tylenol 8 hour works with your body, with one layer that dissolves quickly... layer that lasts all y ...and no layers that irritate your stomach the way that ibuprofen can. it's tough on your body pain. not on your body.
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there's no way to hide it. sir, have you been drinking tonight? if you ride drunk, you will get caught... and you will get arrested. chris brown was sentenced this week to six months of community labor and a year of domestic violence counseling for beating ex-girlfriend rihanna. well, it didn't take long for the singer to put a new song up on youtube. "showbiz tonight's" a.j. hammer
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is in new york. a.j., you're tackling this up with on "showbiz tonight." could this song be hinting at a reconciliation. that's what the rumor mill is saying about this. >> you listen to the lyrics and it sure sounds like it. there's no official confirmation from chris brown or his camp that this song is aimed directly at rihanna b you it's transparent and obvious as it gets if you get me. let me play a little bit of "changed man." ♪ you need to tell us what to do ♪ ♪ it's you and me but i'm going to make it up to you and show the world i'm a changed man ♪ >> some of these lyrics, you need to trust what you do, it's you and me my love. i need to make it up to you and show the world i'm a changed man. can we love again? girl, i know i told you, baby, this ain't over. chris goes on to sing saying i'm sorry doesn't make it all right, i know, but i believe that we
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can make it if we try. yeah, a huge hint at a reconciliation. let me tell you a couple things that jump out to me. number one, words like saying i'm sorry doesn't make it all right, but i believe we can make it if we try have to be very close to words that are heard by battered women from their abusers all the time. i cannot escape that. also, he obviously wrote this, if it is a hint at reconciliation, before sentencing. i'm guessing singing to her in a song that doesn't mention her name doesn't necessarily violate his probation. >> do you think this could help or hurt his image if possible, if it's able to get any worse than it already is? >> i got to tell you, in my mind, i think this is a pretty dumb move because essentially through this song he's reminding everybody that he beat up rihanna. that's what it's doing here. i think he should have stuck to making great music, not necessarily addressing this issue. i understand he has supporters. they want everybody to forgive and forget what he did, but i
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think at its core, this is a song spawned from domestic violence. i think it's a very dangerous idea if we reward him by buying into the song. >> what would help his image is if he gets help and moves on from there. thank you so much. >> see you tonight on "showbiz tonight" with much more on the chris brown song drama. at 11:00 p.m. eastern and pacific right here on hln. there you go. >> there you go, a.j. appreciate it. thanks. well, the labor department says there were less laid off workers filing unemployment claims and less claims overall last week. despite the drop, both figures indicate the economy is not so healthy, and analysts expect the unemployment rate to keep on going up. speaking of the economy, michael vick, he's taking care of business in a virginia courtroom before trying to take business on the field. today a bankruptcy judge approved a plan for vick to repay his creditors more than $20 million on the condition that he hires a personal
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financial planner. vick is on his way back to philadelphia right now. he is expected to take the field as a philadelphia eagle tonight in a preseason game. this will be his first nfl game since serving time for running that dogfighting ring. a public service announcement we've been telling you about this one, it's gone viral. reaching an online audience all over the world creating quite a controversy. we're about to show you some of it. we have to warn you, it is very graphic here. it's intended for teenagers. here it is. in england to demonstrate the dangers of driving while texting, a young driver, there she is, she causes a major accident while sending a text, and exactly what happens as a result of that accident is shown right here in great detail over several minutes as the driver watches in horror as her friends in the car and people in other vehicles die. it's pretty graphic. does the public service announcement make you think twice? is it too graphic? what are you saying about this? do you think it will stop teenagers from texting while
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driving? your views after the break. introducing the all new chevy equinox. with an epa estimated 32 miles per gallon. and up to 600 miles between fill ups. it's the most fuel efficient crossover on the highway. better than honda cr-v, toyota rav4 and even the ford escape hybrid. the all new chevy equinox. car insurance company in the nation. but, it's not like we're kicking back, now, havin' a cuppa tea. gecko vo: takes lots of sweat to become that big. gecko vo: 'course, geckos don't literally sweat... it's just not our thing... gecko vo: ...but i do work hard, mind you. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength.
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gecko vo: second rule: "don't steal a coworker's egg salad, 'specially if it's marked "the gecko." come on people. you weren't always my favorite day. with all the pet hair in the air, i'd spend class preoccupied, bothered by itchy eyes. but now i have new zyrtec® itchy eye drops. it works fast, with just one drop, to relieve my itchy eyes from allergies for up to 12 hours. no other allergy itchy eye drop works faster or longer. which is good, 'cause there's a lotta paws to shake. with new zyrtec® itchy eye drops i can love the air™. (announcer) find it in the allergy aisle next to other zyrtec® products.
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police call it a one in a million case. they say this california girl vanished more than 18 years ago. well, she has been found alive. jay ki dugard was 11 when she was abducted while walking to her bus stop in south lake tahoe back in 1991. police say dugard walked to a bay area police station yesterday and said, i'm the girl who has been missing. the family should be reunited later today. and two people, a man and a woman, have been arrested in connection to this case. earlier police raided a home in antioch, california, where they believe dugard had been living this entire time. we hope to learn a lot more when police hold a news conference later today. we will, of course, bring that to you when it happens. the flag draped casket
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carrying the body of senator edward kennedy is on its way from cape cod to the john f. kennedy presidential library in boston. live pictures there for you of that motorcade. mary snow is at the library and joups us with an update. >> reporter: the motorcade will be passing several stops in boston before the casket does come here to the jfk library and presidential museum. among the stops, where the mayor of boston will bring a bell 47 times because that's the number of years senator kennedy served in the u.s. senate. and at 6:00 p.m. eastern time there begin a public viewing for people here in boston to go inside the jfk museum. the senator's body will be placed inside. it's a closed casket. there will be a military and civilian honor guard, members of the family, staff members and friends will be inside as well, and people can come and pay their last respects, and already
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several hours before that is to begin people have been lining up. i talked to a couple people who have been coming here, one from north carolina, one from new york, talked to a woman who was a former peace corps volunteer. she got here at 9:30 this morning. she said she's in her 60s. she said the kennedys have been such a big part of her life that she felt that she had to come here today and pay her last respects. up until that time there have been people coming in throughout the day signing condolence messages inside the jfk museum here and paying their last respects. it's a museum dedicated to the late president kennedy. senator kennedy was so instrumental in helping form this museum, and, susan, also there are volunteers from an organization here in boston that senator kennedy was tied to called city years. it's a public service organization, and young people are here, they will act as ushers for members of the public who are going to be paying their
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last respects, and i can't tell you how many people we've talked to throughout the past two days who have been so choked with emotion when talking about why they felt it was very important to come out and pay their last respects. a lot of people here in massachusetts feel a very personal connection to the senator and say they can't imagine the state of massachusetts without senator kennedy. susan? >> yes, president barack obama saying, look, we knew this time was coming, but it's still so devastating, and it is to all of those people lining up there. and, mary, i understand you have new information regarding hyannis port and what may possibly happen to that compound? >> reporter: there had been some reports earlier from some of our colleagues, they've been talking about the compound and the future, the question mark of will it be turned over to a nonprofit organization. a lot of that is still up in the air, but, you know, that compound has been such a mainstay for the kennedy family.
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joseph kennedy having really started the family going there for years and for generations of kennedys that has been their home base, certainly senator kennedy. it's a much beloved part of their family and their history. >> mary snow, appreciate it, live for us at the jfk library. new mexico governor bill richardson won't be charged in an investigation into pay to play allegations. that is according to the associated press. a federal grand jury last year, as you may remember, began looking into an alleged scheme in which lucrative state work went to a donor who supported governor richardson. justice department officials made the decision not to pursue indictments. the investigation was the reason the governor dropped out as president obama's nominee for commerce secretary. a freshman congresswoman is apologizing for saying the gop was still searching for a great white hope to stop president obama's political agenda. kansas republican lynn jenkins says she used the phrase to
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reassure republicans the party has promising young leaders. she says she meant it as a bright light or rising star and was unaware of any negative connotation in her words. jenkins also apologized if she offended anyone. crime writer dominick dunne has died after a long battle with cancer. the best-selling author was known for covering legal cases involving the rich and famous for vanity fair magazine. dunne started writing about crime after the 1982 murder of his daughter and became a crime victim's advocate. he was working on a novel when he died. dominick dunne was 83. new evidence has been released in the case of that florida couple killed in their bedroom last month while nine of their 13 children were there at the time. surveillance cameras captured men wearing ninja garb and black masks entered byrd and melanie billings home and struggling with the couple as at least one of the children looked on. ed lavandera watched those tapes and said what he saw was downright chilling.
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>> reporter: there were two particular camera angles which were very striking, one where you see the initial moment where byrd and melanie billings are confronted by the gunmen who break into their home. at one point you see byrd kind of throw his arms up like he's not going to put up any fight, and then another group of men come in from behind him and we understand that this is where he was shot in the leg, and you see him drop to the ground. and then the scuffle continues. you do not see the murders unfold on these videotapes. those take place in the couple's master bedroom inside the home. >> now, a judge allowed the media as ed just mentioned to view the tapes taken from the home but said no one could copy or distribute them. seven people have been charged in the couple's death. los angeles police say former model jasmine fiore may have been killed in her car. they are now checking it for evidence after finding her mercedes in a parking lot in
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west hollywood yesterday. there it is there being towed. police in canada are searching for the car driven by a woman who dropped off fiore's husband before he killed himself. >> we have what you could call circumstantial evidence. we know for a fact that ryan's father, dan jenkins, here in calgary owned a silver pt cruiser which maps the description of the car seen outside the hotel. we also know a vehicle very similar to that one is now 700 miles to the west of us in vancouver, british columbia, parked in the building where ryan's half sister, alina, now lives. >> police believe ryan jenkins killed fiore before fleeing to canada. they say they can't file charges against the woman who drove him to the motel unless they have proof she knew he was a wanted man. disturbing new details about
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the death of the pastor of a small church southwest of oklahoma city. investigators say the body of 61-year-old carol daniels was staged. that is it was moved into an unnatural position after she was killed. they say daniels died from multiple sharp force injuries. police are warning clergy now, members in the town, to take safety precautions. detectives aren't sure if the minister was specifically targeted or not, but they say they're worried the killer could strike again. >> a very evil person. a person with no soul. i'm not going to go into what was done. >> i don't want them to die. i want them to live. i want them punished, i want them off the street, i don't want anyone else to have to go through what we've gone through. >> police held a closed door meeting with the pastors last night to talk about security issues. there's a $10,000 reward for any information leading to an arrest and conviction in this case. it looks like nasa is hoping to launch the space shuttle
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"discovery" late tomorrow night. it will be the third attempt to send "discovery" to the international space station. managers have decided not to blast off early tomorrow morning saying they need more time to study the fuel valve problem that scrubbed yesterday's scheduled launch. >> it feels absolutely brilliant. i'm feeling ecstatic. >> he's pretty happy. a british teenager has reason to be ecstatic. he sailed himself into the record books. enjoy yoplait whips two delicious ways.
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in the fridge it's a light and fluffy mousse...
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...but put it in the freezer... and... ...voila! yoplait whips becomes a luscious frozen treat. yoplait whips, it is so good. this just into us here at hln. live pictures downtown chicago. there's been a shooting in that area that's near the wls tv
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stati station. two people were shot, a police officer and a suspect. we do know that the officer was wearing a bullet proof vest at the time. he's said to be in good condition, but the suspect's condition is not known. we also know that a third person was treated at the scene after having an asthma attack that was triggered by that shooting. again, a shooting in downtown chicago near the wls tv station. we'll keep you updated on the condition of the suspect. also, the police officer. well, it took him nine months, a british teen has broken a record by becoming the youngest person to circumvent around the globe. yes, he did. reggie aqui is here with more. hi, reggie. it's pretty ambitious a teenager to set out to do this. >> he was only 16 years old when he started, and then he had his 17th birthday while he was on the boat by himself, which is incredible while he was in the middle of the indian ocean. this guy went 28,000 miles
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during his journey. amazing, right? well, you can see right there the video blog that he took as he went around the world, and he told the bbc that the hardest part was being by himself. he said you miss having someone else around. he did get some help when he went to port from repair people. other than that he was all alone. his name is mike perham. i will show you the course he took over the last year or so. so here is what he did. he started off his journey in portsmouth which is in england, his hometown, on november 15th, twooit. from there he went on the atlantic ocean all the way down to the cape of good hope in south africa. he celebrated his 17th birthday. made his way around australia. then went eventually to the panama canal. you see his trip right there. after that he went over the atlantic ocean and all the way back to england and he actually just ended today and celebrated with his dad. and the interesting thing is that there are already people lining up to break his record, younger sailors, including one who is 13 years old in the
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netherlands. the only problem is her parents want to do it, but the government doesn't want her to do it. they think it's a little too young. they're trying to gain custody of her. i thought that was kind of an interesting side note to the story. >> the government wouldn't have to step in for me. my mom would say it's not happening. >> it's in the happening. yeah, i can see that. >> what else is getting a lot of traffic today at a lot of great stories. >> i am about to embarrass myself. are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> okay. i cannot do a cockney accent. the only thing i say in cockney is from my days when i was in the community production of oliver, consider yourself at home. that's all i can say. so the rest of this will not be done in cockney because it's very embarrassing as you just saw. >> that's not as embarrassing as your new kids on the block dance. >> oh, thank you, thank you, susan. >> here is the story. they have atms that will either give you the explanation of what you're doing in english or in cockney english. cockney is what people in the
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east end of london, that's how they speak, sort of like what he did earlier. what are some examples? well, instead of asking for your pin, it has this cockney rhyme that goes please entire your huckleberry fin. and another cockney rhyme would be instead of balance on screen, it would be charlie sheen or balance on receipt, it would say fleet street. i'm probably not explaining it very well so i will let the people who know how to speak cockney do it for me. >> jam cajar. >> rooms of cotton. >> i have absolutely no idea what they just said. i talked to our british resident here, and she knew all about this. she gave me a lot of them, including ones that were curse words. i have now learned curse words in cockney which i will not repeat. >> they could use that tape for a hidden camera show. thank you, reggie. speaking of money on a
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different note. our series "money and main street" focuses on how to thrive in a tough economy. today we're introduced to a man who lost his job at a tampa cigar factory. now he's helping others. >> reporter: they will still be there on the shelves of convenience stores. ha have-a-tampa cigars. after a century, it's over. moved to puerto rico. 495 people out of work. >> i'm thinking here is a place i can retire from. >> ron russell was a machinist at the tampa factory for 3 1/2 years. >> i thought i was safe in a 100-year-old company. >> reporter: he didn't cry or start pounding a pavement looking for another job. no, he did something very different. >> we thank those of you who have come to offer hope to us. >> reporter: he started a website. on it the names, contact information, and skills of former employees who want to be
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listed. one stop shopping, russell says, for companies looking for workers. so if i need an engineer? >> high lie elight engineer, se more. we have mr. harvey morris. >> reporter: morris says you won't find better people than those on the site. >> what kind of people can i expect to find? >> quality, quality people. >> reporter: so far russell says the site has led to 30 jobs. at one time there were some 200 cigar factories in tampa. it's down to one now, only the j.c. neuman company is left. a new federal tax dramatically increased the price of cigars and reduced consumption. >> this is a company that's given people tremendous livelihoods and it's all gone. >> reporter: dave is known as cigar dave on his indicated radio talk show. >> it is an absolute tragedy. total preventable tragedy. there's no other product that is
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taxed at 53% in this nation. >> reporter: the tax was levied to help fund a federal health insurance program for children from low income families. inronically ron russell says his child now qualifies for the insurance. >> reporter: what about looking out for number one? >> number one will get his turn when it's time. >> reporter: but now it's time to find work for the others. >> and for more on our series, watch our sister network, cnn, at 8:00 eastern. more news after the break. at bank of america we are keeping our finger on the pulse. we're not just sticking with the same product.
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so that's why, you know we've adjusted... ...a lot of the different processes we have in place such as rolling out more innovative products to really meet the needs of our customers. because what might have been good six months ago for them, might not be good now. there's a lot goinon right now with helping out customers. one of the unique features that we just brought out recently was actually called add it up. our risk free cd is a very powerful tool that we have for our customers. we're refinancing their mortgages., how are you saving for the future? how do you pay your bills? my own dad uses online banking and he loves it. every single day. he's looking at his account, if he's a penny off he's calling me. you just have to learn to just, you know, just be there. we want to make sure that our customers understand,, that we understand, what's going on. we're here for them, whatever that need may be. we want to make sure that you're successful in what you do and we want to help you every step of the way. there's no way to hide it.
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sir, have you been drinking tonight? if you ride drunk, you will get caught... and you will get arrested. p) combines two powerful medicines for fast relief of your diarrhea symptoms, so you can get back out there. imodium. get back out there. a graphic public service announcement has gone viral, reaching an online audience all over the world and creating quite a controversy.
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we're about to show some of you part of it. we want to warn you it is very disturbing. that's why it's controversial. it's intended for teens in england to demonstrate the dangers of driving while texting. this young driver causes a major accident while sending that text. and exactly what happened as a result of that accident is shown right here in great detail over several minutes as the driver watches in horror, her friends in the car and people in the other vehicle die. it is very graphic. we want to know your view on this one. do you think it is that, it's too graphic? so far our response has been pretty lopsided with almost 100% of the people saying the tv spot should be aired here in the u.s. do you have a different opinion? give us a call, 877-tell-hln. geologisting are monitoring rocky cliffs in yosemite national park. 300 guests were forced to evacuate the hotel when rocks as large as microwaves tumbled into the parking lot.
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several cars were damaged. no injuries reported. senator edward kennedy is being honored today. the late line of the senate is not being remembered just for er politics, but for his humor, too. too. >> are you glad to see me.=b(?z at's my real social security number. leading the way in identity theft protection, lifelock helps to keep your personal information safe, even in the wrong hands. this guy steals my identity, he goes into... an rv dealership to buy this $82,000 rv, using my name, my credit. well, he didn't know that i had signed up for lifelock. i get a telephone call, he gets arrested, end of story. lifelock takes proactive steps to reduce your risk... of becoming a victim. what we don't stop, we'll fix at our expense... up to one million dollars. i saved my husband from identity theft... because i had signed us up for lifelock, and so sure enough when someone tried to open...
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a credit card in his name a couple of months later, lifelock stopped it; never happened. we aim to stop identity theft before it happens. our popular wallet lock service takes the hassle... and worry out of a lost or stolen wallet. and because your children are popular targets... for identity predators, lifelock has long been... the industry leader in protecting children. every three seconds an identity is stolen. we're here to make sure it doesn't happen to you. lifelock really does work. security. peace of mind. protection. that's what lifelock provides. you'll also see a reduction in unsolicited mail... and pre-approved credit offers. live your life with confidence. protect yourself, your family... and all you've worked for. guarantee your good name now. my good name is safe. by calling right now, you can have lifelock's... industry-leading proactive identity theft protection... and our one million dollar total service guarantee... absolutely free for one month. call now and mention free month.
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scientists in utah testing the next generation of rockets, not being shot in the air, but blasting off horizontally fixed to the ground. the main booster for the new aris moon rocket will rumble, a treeless ex-pans of the northern utah desert. the event is staged by a nasa contractor to test the performance of a new generation of space vehicles. the contractor says the ares launcher is safer and more reliable than the space shuttle. it packs a million pounds of chemical propel lant. that's enough propel lant to boost a 321-foot long vehicle 190,000 feet into the atmosphere. we'll rejoin that closer to the actual test.
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meanwhile, in california, a little girl who vanished 18 years ago near lake tahoe has been found alive. the end of a long nightmare for jc dugart and her family. she was snatched walking to her bus stop in lake tahoe in 1991. she walked to a bay area police station and said i am the girl who has been missing. take a listen at dugart's mother as she pleaded 18 years ago for her daughter's release during that horrible ordeal. >> she's pretty, young, innocent child. and you may like her, but he love her, too, and it's time that she comes home to her family. her sissy has been asking for her, and she needs to be with us. >> dugart's stepfather said even though the kidnapping affected
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his marriage, he's glad this ordeal is over. >> once you've been damaged this bad, our lives aren't going to turn around. my wife's heart has been ripped out. it's a nice every union, she's 29 years old. she's not going to come home for my wife to raise her again. it's been done. hopefully she's been well treated decently and these people are going down for this and it's going to have a happy ending. >> we'll learn a lot more details. police are expected to hold a news conference in about three hours' time. the contra costa sheriff's department in the east bay of san francisco says a man and a woman have been arrested in connection with dugard's disappearance, being held in the county jail. police are searching their home in antioch linked to the investigation. dan simon is in antioch, about 50 miles east of san francisco and joins us by phone. what's the latest? >> chuck, as you said, i'm at the house right now. i can see a number of officers executing this search warrant,
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about 20 or so fbi agents and local law enforcement in all. as you mentioned, two people have been arrested. according to the ""san francisco chronicle"," they are phillip gurito, the wife nancy who is 55, they're being held on a million dollars bail at the contra costa county jail, a little ways away from martinez, california. the charnges, chuck, very disturbing indeed, charges of kidnapping, rape by force, lewd and lascivious acts with a minor along with other charges. there are still so many questions in this case, chuck, a lot influx. of course, we want to know what led this young woman now to go to the local police jail -- local police department rather and tell them who she is and, of course, once that happened, the fbi got involved, eventually reached out to the young woman's mom and now you're going to have this -- what seems to be a
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pretty incredible reunion. >> did she walk in alone? the ""san francisco chronicle"" says she walked in with this couple. what have you heard? >> actually i have not heard that, in terms of the details of how she walked into the police department. that may -- if that is true, that would obviously have led to a pretty easy arrest for this couple. i can tell you that we spoke to one neighbor who has lived in this area for a number of years, lived right next to the couple. they told us that they had never seen anyone appearing to be in her mid 20s or late 20s near the house. they had not seen this young woman, but did see some other young kids at that house from time to time and were not aware that that particular couple had children. so again, lots of different questions and the details in terms of how she surrendered or
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how she came to the police department and why, that's still a mystery. there will be a press conference in about three hours' from now. >> any confirmation on early reports that the suspect, the male, has had a police record and has been in prison? >> well, you know, we did a check of the national sex offender registry database, and his name does appear on that database. it would suggest that he does have a criminal record and obviously committing some sex crimes. >> dan simon outside the house in antioch, california. again, a news conference will let us know a lot more about this developing story. thanks very much. new evidence has emerged in the case of the florida couple killed in their bedroom last month just outside pensacola as nine of their 13 special needs children were at home. surveillance cameras captured men wearing anyone gentleman garb and black masks entering the home and struggling with the couple as at least one child
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watched. ed lavandera watched the tapes and says what he saw was down right chilling. >> reporter: there were two particular camera angles which were very striking, one where you see the initial moment where byrd and melanie billings are confronted by the gunmen who break into their home. at one point you see byrd billings throw his arms up like he's not going to put up a fight and another group of men come in from behind them. we understand this is where he was shot in the leg. you see him drop to the ground. and then the scuffle continues. you do not see the murders unfold on these videotapes. those take place in the couple's master bedroom inside the home. >> a judge allowed the media to view these tapes taken from the home, but said nobody could copy or distribute them. seven people have been charged in the billings' death. disturbing new details have emerged about the death of a pastor at a small church southwest of oklahoma city.
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the body of 61-year-old carol daniels was staged, which is means it was moved to an unnatural position. police are warning clergy members in the town to take safety precautions. detectives rchbt sure if that minister was specifically targeted. but are worried the killer could strike again. >> a very evil person, a person with no soul, but i'm not going to go into what was done >> i don't want them to die. i want him to live. i want him punished and off the street and i don't want anyone else to go through what we've gone through. >> police held a closed door meeting with area pastors last night to discuss security issues. there's a $10,000 reward for information lead together the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for that murder. firefighters are battling a fire at a fuel storage plant outside detroit in michigan. it appears to have started just before 11:30 eastern near a
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tanker and quickly spread to the silos holding gasoline and lubricant, about 100 homes in the area where evacuated. traffic has been halted in both directions on busy i-75. amtrak suspended its rail service between pontiac and detroit. passengers to be shuttled by charter bus. the air quality, as you can imagine, is being closely monitored. fire departments from nearby detroit and highland park have been sent in to try to help put this out. right now a motorcade is carrying the body of senator edward kennedy to boston from his be loved compound on cape cod, a distance of perhaps 70 miles. live pictures here, whth as the hers passes by. the body will pass by the john f. kennedy presidential library and go into boston and then back to the library where it will lie in repose until tomorrow. this evening there will be a public viewing at the library
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which kennedy spent decades helping develop for his bother, the late president, john f. kennedy. thousands will file past the closed cassette to pay tribute to the last brother of the family. president obama will deliver the jewel gee at our lady of perpetual health bass sill la. all four living former presidents have been invited. we're led to believe all four will attend. ted kennedy prayed at that teach every day in 2003 when his date ter cara underwent treatment for lung cancer. he'll be buried next to his fallen brothers or near them. kennedy is eligible for burial there because of his service in congress and two years in the army. crime writer dominick dune has died. known for covering legal cases involving the rich and famous for vanity fair magazine. he began writing about crime after the 1982 murder of his daughter and became a crime
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victim's advocate. he was working on a novel when he died at the age of 83. the navy says prior rats holding a taiwanese ship fired on a u.s. navy helicopter. the chopper wasn't hit and didn't return fire. no one was hurt. officials say the somali pirates used a high caliber weapon. they've never shot at a u.s. aircraft before. there has been a shooting in downtown chicago near the tv station wls. two people were shot, one a police officer wearing a bullet-proof vest. wls is reporting the suspect is dead. the witness told the station that police were chasing the van who had what appeared to be a knife. the suspect grabbed another man on the street and held him hostage, and that's when police opened fire. firefighters are making headway against the wild farce in the angles national forest.
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we mean that plural. the last check of the morris dam fire showed it 45% contained. there's a 30-acre fire 18 miles to the west, 20% contained. no homes are threatened by either fire. apparently it's burning away from populated areas. sailing around the world in nine months would probably be tough on anybody. now imagine doing it as a teenager by yourself. what makes this young man's journey even more impressive. we're out here looking at bones just because they're inside you doesn't mean they're protected.
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oh, ladies. let's say you have osteoporosis. i do. you could be losing bone strength. can i get it back? (announcer) ask your doctor how to help treat osteoporosis with once-a-month actonel. actonel is clinically proven to help increase bone rength to help prevent fractures. so you can get back some of what you lost. do not take actonel if you have low blood calcium, severe kidney disease, or cannot sit or stand for 30 minutes. follow all dosing instructions. stop taking actonel and tell your doctor if you experience difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain or severe or continuing heartburn. these may be signs of serious upper digestive problems. promptly tell your doctor if you develop severe bone, joint or muscle pain, or if you develop dental problems, as serious jawbone problems have been reported rarely. the more you know about osteoporosis, the more you'll want to ask your doctor if once-a-month actonel is right for you. (announcer) if you can't afford your medication, visit to find out how the alliance for better bone health may be able to help.
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a public service announcement happens gone viral. we're about to show you some of it. we have to warn you it's pretty graphic. if you're a little squeamish, you might want to look away. this is intended for teens in england to demonstrate the dangers of driving while texting. a young driver causes a major accident sending a sect message. what happens next as a result of the accident is shown in
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excruciating detail over several minutes. slow-mo, repeated. the driver watches in horror, people in other vehicles die. what do you think? is the shock worth it? is the psa too graphic? is it offensive? 877-835-54-46, e-mail at you can text your views plus your comment and name to hlntv, 45688, we'll air your thoughts all day. a 17-year-old is getting ready to go back to school with a record to his name. guinness world record says mike pernhm began his 30,000 mile journey. his dad followed him all the way, a support team in another boat. he didn't have any contact with his son.
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the kid made it all around the world. back to the rocket test in utah. we promised you we are just seconds away. scientists are testing the next generation of rockets. you'll see it here. obviously not shot in the air. it's going to be a horizontal blast. we're on a hold. t-20. they have to check everything. all the parameters to make sure there are no anomalies. obviously the desert area. the main booster for the ares moon rocket will traverse this utah desert, being staged by a nasa contractor to test the performance of a new generation of space vehicles. it's a whole new idea, concept. the launcher, according to the contractor is more reliable and safer than the space shuttle. it does pack a million pounds of chemical propel lant which could boosed a 321-not long vehicle, 930,000 feet into the atmosphere. are we go or no go, guys? still on a hold? still on a hold. we'll bring it to you one way or
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another, either taped or live. meanwhile, it's been more than six months since haleigh cummings disappeared from her home. now more info about two different lie detector tests took after the 5-year-old vanished. the results of the test just ahead. your body needs sleep to feel healthy... to feel better. tylenol pm quiets the pain that keeps you awake. and helps you sleep, in a non-habit forming way.
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we have live pictures now of the motorcade, that's obviously the hers carrying the body of senator ted kennedy, picking up a lot of speed. a lot of people have been lining route 3 from cape cod across the bridge into the main land, obviously we're in the main land now, probably somewhere in the neighborhood of plymouth, on route to the kennedy library. but first they're going to take a tour around the city of boston. the kennedy family held a private mass at the hyannis port compound before this motorcade took off. they will carry the body again to the jfk library.
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it will lie in repose and be available for public viewing until the funeral mass on saturday morning. but first they're going to stop in boston. by the way, they'll stop at than yell hall where the mayor will ring a large bell 47 times signifying 47 years of service in the senate for the late senator edward kennedy. newly released information that shows haleigh cummings' stepmother may not have been telling all that she knows. misty cummings was the last person to see the girl before she disappeared from the florida home. she insists she has no idea what happened or where hail leigh is. but the director of equusearch says she failed the polygraph test she took to try to clear her name. he said she took the test with the sheriff's department and reque requested a backup test with equusearch so she could clear her name. police say she didn't do well on either one. >> it indicated that misty was -- deception indicated is the official statement.
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which is no surprise to us. we've said all along that misty has been inconsistent in her statements. and i agree with the point that was made by tim miller's investigator is that miss ste's consistency is inconsistency. >> haleighg disappeared on february 10th. misty cummings woke up in the middle of the night and she was gone. her father was at work at the time. police in canada are searching for the car driven by a woman who dropped off fiore's ex-husband east of vancouver before he killed himself. a reporter for "the calgary herald" told hln prime news that police might have a lead. >> we have what you could call circumstantial evidence. we know for a fact that ryan's
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father, dan jenkins here in calgary owned a pt cruiser which matched the description of the vehicle outside the hotel in hope, british columbia. we also know that a vehicle similar to that one is 700 miles to the west of us in vancouver british columbia parked in the building where ryan's half sister, alina now lives. >> police believe ryan jenkins killed jasmine fiore before fleeing north to canada. they say they can't file charges against the woman who drove him to the motel unless they have proof she knew he was wanted. the labor department said there were fewer laid off workers and fewer claims overall. both figures indicate the economy isn't healthy. analysts expect the unemployment rate will keep rising. does a public service announcement need to make you wins to make you think twice? what you're saying about a graphic message to stop teens from texting while driving. @@@
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a little girl who vanished 18 years ago in california has been found alive. she's obviously a young woman now. the end of a long nightmare for jc dugard and her family. she was 11 when she was snatched walking to her bus stop. kxtv has her amazing story. >> i remember my sister was in her class when it happened. i'm blown away. >> the abduction of 11-year-old jc dugard changed lives forever. >> that day my sister didn't go
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to the bus stop, i was just scared, ever since to go to the bus stop. my parents never let her go back here. >> reporter: friends and neighbors grieved and still held out hope as months stretched into years. >> i remember growing up in this neighborhood. >> we got a discount on this place because of what happened. >> when he retired, he bought the home jc lived in in 1998. >> wondering what happened with her. >> they have lived with the questions and rumors whatever. >> my neighbor down the street says he saw her get snagged. >> the possibility of answers in this old case after so many years seems hard to believe. >> maybe it will put an end to everything finally. >> it was one of those mysteries. we always thought the worst, not wanting to. >> fbi agents in california as well as police have been searching this home in antioch that has been linked to the investigation.
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the contra costa sheriff's department says a registered sex offender and wife have now been arrested in connection with dugard's disappearance. they're both in their 50s. phillip and nancy gueritto are being held in a county jail. they face numerous charges. they arrest touchdown pair after they walked into a police station in concord with jc dugard to ask a question. right now a motorcade is proceeding north carrying the body of senator ted kennedy to boston from his be loved compound on cape cod. every time at an overpass, you can see it's crowded with people. there are makeshift memorials, people waving flags. a lot of people trying to line that route to say good-bye. a 70-mile route. there's another vantage right now. earlier the kennedy family held
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a private mass at the home in hyannis port. the motorcade will stop at the jfk presidental library. he will lie in repose until tomorrow. he'll pass through the heart of boston and make several sentimental stops that were important to the life of senator kennedy. there will be a public viewing o at the library which he spent decades developing in honor of his late brother, the former president. the thousands will file past the closed casket to pay tribute to the last brother in a political dynasty. a private funeral will be on saturday in boston. president obama will deliver the jewel gee. all four living former presidents have been invited and are expected to attend. kennedy prayed at that church every day in 2003 when cara underwent treatment for lung cancer. his body will be taken to arlington national cemetery near his fallen brothers. he's eligible because he served
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in congress so long, 47 years and served two years in the army. no one, not even the chairman of the federal reserve is safe from identity theft. ben bernanke says his personal bank account was hit after his wife's purse was stolen from a starbuck's on capitol hill in august. a police report says the purse contained her social security card, checkbook, other i.d., court filings show a man from washington has confessed to depositing checks from their joint account. a tense encounter between u.s. navy and pirates off the coast in sam mally. the pirates fired on a u.s. navy helicopter as the aircraft monitored the vessel. the chopper wasn't hit and did not return fire. no one was hurt. officials say the somali pirates used a high caliber weapon. the navy says the pirates have shot at ships in the past, but not a u.s. aircraft. he considers it a hobby. an i reporterser takes us inside a wildfire. it's as close as you'll ever
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want to be. incredible pictures just ahead.
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the rocket test in utah, no god for today. it's been scrubbed. it will go again. failure with the auxiliary power unit. it wasn't going to be shot in the air as you can plainly see. it was to be blasted off in a horizontal test fixed to the ground. the main booster for the ares moon rocket is expected to travel over the utah desert in this test. it's being staged by a nasa contractor to test the performance of a new generation of space vehicles. tropical storm danny is gathering strength in the atlantic. top sustained wins are 16 miles
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an hour but a little disorganized. forecasters say it could be a cat 1 hurricane by saturday. residents up and down the east could shoeft monitor the storm. projections indicate danny could threaten new england and could be near cape cod saturday night. at least two wildfires are burning in or around the angles national freft northeast of los angeles, the san gabriel mountains. one is 45% contained. fire captains report the other is only about 20% contained. but we're fortunate because an i-reporter, matt hartman has sent in great photos of the fire. he joins us by webcam from l.a. great images. thanks so much. what's the latest? is are the flames burning toward or away from population centers? >> the latest -- as far as this morning, around 30% -- about 30 acres, 20% contained, about 100 men on the ground, four helicopters, two fixed wing, no structures are threatened, and
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today is kind of await and see day, especially with the weather coming in today. >> awfully hot and dry. how close is this to the jet propulsion lab? >> jpl, i'd say about three to five miles west of the location. it's not anywhere near there, but the smoke is definitely affecting it because of the winds, the santa ana conditions and the low humidity and high heat. >> you got awfully close. could you feel the wind and heat from the flames? >> most definitely. most wildfires generate their own weather patterns and their own heat and wind. you could hear the wind whipping up from the flames and generating its own weather. definitely scary stuff to listen to. it's right in front of you. it was 300 yards in front of me. it was a little scary at times. >> i bet it was. generally do hikers and campers start these fires or lightning strikes? what's the prevailing theory here? >> right now, because of the conditions and the weather around here lately, it's definitely suspicious in origin. there is no dry lightning, there
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hasn't been any storms. these are well-travelled highways and by ways. there are hiking drals up there. without dry lightning conditions it's very suspicious. i would say it's probably an automobile, motorcyclist or a hiker starting these or residuals from these people. >> you got very close. these are terrific images, matt. thank you so much. last question, about five seconds. did this foul the air in pasadena or glendale? can you smell it in the city? >> oh, yeah, we've been able to smell. i have all my windows closed in my house right now because the air quality is gross. it's just yuck. >> matt hartman, many, many thanks. appreciate it. when you've got pictures or video like he does, send them in to look for the upload now link. you'll get instructions on how to submit your stories.
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nearly 100% of people say yes, this spot should be aired here in the u.s. if you have a different opinion or you agree, whatever, call us toll free 877-835-5456. or text views, plus your comment and name to hlntv. standard text rates apply. his lawyer told him not to do it. but rick patino said he had to fight back. the university of louisville basketball coach said he had to
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fight back. karen cipher didn't make the allegation after being accused of trying to extort millions. he says her story is a total fabrication and blasted the media forgiving the video any air time. >> he looked at me straight in the eyes and he said you do not have a choice on this matter. your boys will be in concrete and your family and you -- >> if any of you put this on the news anymore, if you're fans of anything we've accomplished, just change the channel. read something else. >> two weeks ago coach pitino said they had conceptual sex back in 2003, six xwreers ago. prosecutors in her extortion case have asked a judge to order a psychological exam for her. chilling surveillance tapes have been released from the home of the florida couple brutally
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killed last month in their home. we'll tell you about the ng horrifying images they captureds chest came back- y i knew i had to see my doctor. he told me i had choices in controller medicines. we chose symbicort. symbicort starts to improve my lung function within 15 minutes. that's important to me because i know the two medicines in symbicort are beginning to treat my symptoms and helping me take control of my asthma. and that makes symbicort a good choice for me. symbicort will not replace a re0=ue inhaler for sudden symptoms. and should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol may increase the chance of asthma-related death. so, it is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on other asthma medicines. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. i know symbicort won't replace a rescue inhaler. within 15 minutes symbicort starts to improve my lung function and begins to treat my symptoms. that makes symbicort a good choice for me. you have choices. ask your doctor if symbicort is right for you. (announcer) if you cannot afford your medication,
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astrazeneca may be able to help. new evidence has been
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released in the matter of the florida couple, the panhandle couple killed in their own bedroom as nine of their 13 special needs children were at home. surveillance cameras captured men wearing anyone gentleman garb and black masks entering the house and injuring the couple. one child was watching. ed lavandera watched the tapes and said what he saw was down right chilling. >> there were two particular camera angles which were very striking, one where you see the initial moment where byrd and melanie billings are confronted by the gunmen who break into their home. at one point you see byrd billings throw his arms up like he's not going to put up a fight. another group of men come in from behind him. we understand this is where he was shot in the leg and you see him drop to the ground. and then the scuffle continues. you do not see the murders unfold on these videotapes. those take place in the couple's master bedroom inside the home.
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a judge in florida allowed the reporters to view the tapes taken from the home, but nobody was allowed to copy or distribute them. seven people have been charged in the killings. los angeles police say former model jasmine fiore might have been killed in her car. they're checking it for evidence, the mercedes found in west hollywood yesterday. police in two province ins canada are searching for the car driven by a woman who dropped off fiori's husband. a reporter told hln prime news police they might have a lead. >> we have what you can call circumstantial evidence. we know for a fact that ryan's father, dan jenkins here in calgary owns a silver pt cruiser which matches the description of the vehicle seen outside the hotel in hope, british columbia. we also know that a vehicle very similar so that one is now 700 miles to the west of us in
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vancouver, british columbia, parked in the building where ryan's half sister, alina now lives. >> police believe ryan jenkins killed fiore before fleeing north to canada. they can't file charges against the missing woman who drove him to the motel unless they know and have proof she knew he was wanted. disturbing new details about the death of a pass star in oklahoma city. investigators say the body of 61-year-old carol daniels was staged, it was moved into an unnatural position after she was killed. they say she died of multiple sharp force injuries. police are warning clergy members in the town to take safety precautions. they're not sure the minister was specifically targeted, but they say they're worried the killer could strike again. >> a very evil person. a person with no soul. i'm not going to go into what was done. >> i don't want them to die. i want him to live. i want him punished and off the street and i don't want anyone else to go through what we've
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gone through. >> police held a closed door meeting with area pastors last night to talk about security issues. there's a $10,000 reward for information lead together the arrest and conviction of the murderer. perhaps no american city has been hit harder by the recession and the decline in the auto industry than detroit. a rock star from the motor city is doing what he can to do things around.'s poppy harlow has more. >> reporter: is no ordinary concert. it's kid rock performing at his biggest headline show ever, bringing 80,000 people to his hometown of detroit. talk about a city that needs an economic stimulus like that. ♪ bitter sweet and brings us to our knees, it makes us who we are in times like these ♪ >> reporter: detroit has never
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seen times like these. but the people of this city have an unexpected patron in kid rock. the bad boy from detroit has become the voice of a city in peril. >> how long have you had this? >> this? oh, gees, probably ten years. >> you won't leave, will you? >> no, i'll never leave. >> we've got one more song for you. >> reporter: the downfall of the auto industry hits home for kid rock whose father made a living selling american cars. and in this perilless time, this self-proclaimed son of detroit is working on more than just his music. >> as i've gotten older, i've become more in tune with that and realize how much the stuff i'm doing can help people. >> you look at the impact he's having here in detroit in terms of foundation at wayne state university trying to fund music scholarships for kids there, i think he's had a major positive impact on detroit which is something this economy needs right now.
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>> reporter: kid rock's music scholarship is funded by t-shirt sales from the apparel company he bought out ofnot, his recently launched american badass beer, that can be thanked for creating jobs in the state, more than 400 jobs. >> i've always tried too give everything i have to this city. >> reporter: but battling rampant unemployment, detroit has problems much bigger than even this larger than life rocker can solve. >> it's got to get cleaned up. they've got to bring -- i mean, we almost need an angel. ♪ i won't leave because this is my hometown ♪ >> and he is proud of it, too. poppy live in new york, great piece, poppy. thank you. >> thank you. there's a lot of focus on detroit right now and all the problems. how committed is kid rock to helping? >> you know, this is genuine commitment, from what i could tell. it wasn't easy to get the interview. he didn't really, necessarily, want to tout all that he is
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doing, but it's interesting. we talked to his father while we were there as well, and like kid rock said detroit needs an angel, his father waactually sa to me, he is in some ways detroit's angel. he gives back in so many ways. he insisted that the beer company, the beer be made in detroit to bring 400 jobs there. he's someone that grew up there, whose father was in the auto industry. he seems incredibly committed and like this is real. and one of our colleagues down in atlanta at cnn wrote me after she saw tsaw the piece this morning. she said, kid rock is a true hero. he never forgets where he's from. he's doing what he can for a city that's really in need. >> badass beer, what about that? >> i just wanted to say that. >> i had to say it. get all of the business news up to the minute at check it out. news that blue chip boeing will have its long awaited 787 airline in the air by the end of the year is helping the stocks.
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dow up about 38 points just before the close of trading. from the turbulent '60s to barack obama's historical presidential campaign, ted kennedy made no secret about his feelings on civil rights. how his voice helped shape the country. ( chirp ) team three, boathouse? ( chirp ) oh yeah-- his and hers. - ( crowd gasping ) - ( chirp ) van gogh? ( chirp ) even steven. - ( chirp ) mansion. - ( chirp ) good to go. ( grunts ) timber! ( chirp ) boss? what do we do with the shih-tzu? - ( crowd gasps ) - ( chirp ) joint custody. - phew! - announcer: get work done now. communicate in less than a second with nextel direct connect. only on the now network. deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech disabilities access
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after 18 years, a mother in california gets news she can hardly believe. her kidnapped daughter is alive and well and anxious to see her family. a final journey from his beloved home on cape cod to boston for senator ted kennedy, some live pictures for you here. the motorcade carrying his body is making its way to the john f. kennedy presidential library, where it will lie in repose. we'll keep you posted on that. and there is no mistaking the message behind this public service announcement. teens, do not text while you're driving. but, does it go too far? here's the latest from hln news and views. i'm richelle carey. thanks, as always, for your time. we begin this hour with an amazing story out of california. a little girl who vanished 18
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years ago has been found alive. it is the end of a long nightmare for jaycee dugard and her family. she was 11 when she was snatched. she was just walking to her bus stop in south lake tahoe, that was back in 1991. police say she walked to a bay area police station yesterday and said, i'm the girl who has been missing. fbi agents and california police are searching a home in antioch that has been linked to this investigation. it apparently is where jaycee dugard has been living all this time. the contra costa sheriff's department says a registered sex offender and his wife have been arrested in this girl's disappearance. they are being held on $1 million bail. the couple faces several charges including kidnapping, rape by force, lewd and lascivious acts with a minor and those are just some of the charges. they arrested them after they
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walked into the police station with dugard to ask a question. we're hoping to learn more a lot more details about this and police will be holding a news conference in about two hours from now. there is new evidence in the case of that florida couple killed in their bedroom last month. their special needs children were home. surveillance cameras captured these men entering the home of byrd and melanie billings and struggling with the couple. ed lavendera has actually watched some of this surveillance video. he joins us now from pensacola. tell us what you can about what you were able to see, ed? >> well, we spent about two hours looking at the surveillance video that was taken by 16 cameras inside the building's home. we also combed through some 2,000 photographs taken by crime scene investigators. this is, allowed, essentially, under florida law, because all of this evidence has been turned over to defense attorneys and under florida law.
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once that happens, the public is tw able to see this evidence as well. but the billings' family requested that these photographs and videos had not been disseminated. so we were able to see those video images. and we've seen some of them already. you've seen the video images of that red van and several men approaching the billings home, but what we haven't seen until today is the video images from inside the home. but, first of all, the video images of the actual murder, that does not exist. there were no video cameras inside the bedroom of byrd and melanie billings, so you do not see the actual moment where they are shot and killed. but you do see the initial confrontation between the gunman, who came in from two different points in the house, and there are incredibly chilling images on these videotapes. you see moments before the gunman had burst into the home, a young child, 5 to 7 years old, walking through the living room where this confrontation took
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place, and moments later you see byrd and melanie billings appear in the living room and you can see that confrontation taking place. byrd billings is surprised by two men who approached behind him and you see him put his arms up in the air to sort of give up or signal to the gunman that he wasn't putting up any kind of fight, but then he was apparently shot in the leg and falls to the floor. the men, at one point, you also see melanie billings reach for that small child that is in the living room to try to hold her. then byrd and melanie billings are taken out of the living room area and toward their bedroom. that's where, based on the crime scene photographs we had seen, is clearly where they were shot and killed this morning. there was another camera angle that is incredibly chilling. you do not see byrd and melanie billings in it, but you do see it clearly from the standpoint of what it must have been like to be one of the small children in the home. a young girl, 10 to 12 years old, outside of her window, you see the red van appear. the men jump out of the window, run into the house. you can tell that the girl is
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startled by the sounds she's hearing. she gets up out of the bed, walks to the door, paces back and forth from the door to the bed, at one point crawling back into the bed several times to hide under her own bed sheets and appears to be putting her hands over her ears. that video image clearly troubling. and then at the very end, you see the gunman reappear outside that window, jump back into the van, and the van drives away. it's then that the young girl kind of figures out exactly what's going on and she runs over to the window, only to see that red van driving away. incredibly powerful images of what it must have been like to be inside that home. >> a powerful and terrifying, ed, absolutely terrifying. thank you for describing that scene and painting a picture for us so we know what this family has been going through. ed lavendera, thank. well, we also have some disturbing new details that are emerge about the death of a pastor of a small church southwest of oklahoma city. investigators say the body of 61-year-old carol daniels was
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staged. what they mean is that it was moved into an unnatural position after she was killed. they say that daniels died from ultimate sharp force injuries. police are warning clergy members in the town of anadarko to take safety precautions. detective aren't sure if this minister was specifically targeted, but they say they're worried this killer could strike again. >> a very evil person. a person with no soul. but i'm not going to go into what was done. >> i can't want them to die. i want them to live. i want them punished, i want them off the street. i don't want anyone else to have to go through what we've gone through. >> police held a closed door meeting with pastors last night to talk to them about their safety, to talk to them about security issues. there is a $10,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction in this case. the motorcade carrying the
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body of senator ted kennedy is on its way to the jfk presidential library in boston. it will lie in repose there. these are live pictures of the hearse making its way through the city of boston, right now on the streets there. it is moving past some of the really important landmarks in kennedy's life, including faneuil hall and the church where his mother, rose, was baptized. earlier the kennedy family held a private mass at his home in hyannis port and that's where this motorcade began and has since been making the approximately 70-mile trip from hyannis port to the city of boston. this evening, there will be a public viewing at the jfk library, which kennedy spent decades helping develop in honor of his brother, the former president. thousands of people will file past the casket to day tribute and there have been lots of people along the motorcade route as well. you can see people right there wanting to pay their respects. there will be a private funeral
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for kennedy on saturday in boston. president obama will deliver the eulogy and all four former presidents, living presidents, will be invited. obviously, the living presidents, pardon me. his body will then be taken to arlington national cemetery in virginia where he will be buried near his fallen brothers. he is eligible at burial at arlington because of his service in the army. in 2004, the democratic legislature changed massachusetts law so a republican governor couldn't fill a senate vacancy by appointment. just before he died, kennedy sent a letter to deval patrick and urged them to change the law back. on cnn's "american morning," patrick said he would support the change, despite criticism it would be an act of hypocrisy. >> i think the hypocrisy are some of the ones making these criticisms are the once that made this very proposal back in
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2004. they thought it was good policy then. if it was good policy then, then it's still good policy. it's like saying that the congress of the united states shouldn't have passed the civil rights act because they hadn't done it before. they'd considered and voted it down before. if it's good policy, let's do it and do it in and out. >> under the current law, there couldn't be a special election to fill kennedy's seat before early january. nasa's test of its next generation moon rocket isn't getting off the ground. the planned horizontal test firing of the main booster engine of the new aries rocket, it's being scrubbed. the test is part of a $108 billion program launched by former president george w. bush to return to the moon by 2020. the test has not been rescheduled. a mock launch of a full aries rocket has been set for october 21st -- 31st, that is, at kennedy space center. nasa is hoping to launch the space shuttle "discovery" late
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tomorrow night. it will be the third try to send "discovery" to the international space station. managers have decided not to blast out of early tomorrow morning, saying they need more time to study the problem that caused them to scrub the launch yesterday. sailing around the world in mine months would probably be tough on just about anyone. now, imagine doing it as a teenager, by yourself. what makes this young man's journey even more comprehensive. gecko: uh, you wanted to see me sir? boss: come on in, i had some other things you can tell people about geico - great claims service and a 97% customer satisfaction rate. show people really trust us. gecko: yeah right, that makes sense. boss: trust is key when talking about geico. you gotta feel it. why don't you and i practice that with a little exercise where i fall backwards and you catch me. gecko: uh no sir, honestly... uh...i don't think...uh... boss: no, no. we can do this. gecko: oh dear. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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there's no way to hide it. sir, have you been drinking tonight? if you ride drunk, you will get caught... and you will get arrested. ♪ bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming.
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the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. with zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. zyrtec® works fast, so i can love the air™. firefighters are making headway against a wildfire burning in california's angeles national forest. at last check, the fire is about 45% contained. that is a lot of progress. it's burned more than 1,800 acres so far. a 30-acre fire burning 18 miles to the west is only about 20% contained. no homes are threatened by either fire. tropical storm danny is gathering strength in the
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atlantic right now. its top sustained winds are about 60 miles per hour. forecasters say it could be a category 1 hurricane by saturday. they say residents up and down the east coast need to monitor the storm. projections indicate danny could strengthen by the time it gets to new england this weekend and could be near cape cod by saturday night. a public service announcement has gone viral, reaching an online audience all over the world and also creating a pretty big controversy. we're going to show it to you. we're going to warn you, though, it is very graphic. very graphic. it is intended for teens in england to demonstrate the dangers of driving while texting. just hang in t. a young driver causes a major crash while sending a text message and exactly what happens as a result of that crash is shown in this amazing detail over several minutes, as the driver watches in horror, her friends and her car and people in other vehicles, they all die.
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>> wow. some colleges are reporting an apparent spike in swine flu cases. georgia tech says it's seen about 100 suspected cases in two weeks. 12 have been confirmed as h1n1 virus. the university of georgia says it's had about 60 suspected cases, 20 of them confirmed as swine flu. colleges across the state are trying to prevent an outbreak. >> we've sent out lists of preventative measures, coughing in your elbow, wiping off surfaces that are commonly used by many peoples with disinfectant wipes. >> government health officials are urging you not to panic over this number that you heard, the estimate that up to 90,000 people could die from swine flu this fall. the cdc says that is not the most likely scenario and also adds that if the h1n1 virus does not mutate and get stronger, the death toll may not be that high. so they want you to kind of calm down. michael vick had more than football on his mind today.
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before taking to the field tonight as a philadelphia eagle, he had to convince a judge in virginia he has a viable plan to pay back all his creditors and he did convince the judge. a bankruptcy judge approved his plan to repay more than $20 million on the condition he hires a personal financial planner. after the proceedings, vick headed back to philadelphia for tonight's preseason game. this will be his first nfl game since serving time for running a dogfighting ring. a 17-year-old is getting ready to go back to school with a record to his name. not the bad record. we don't mean that. a good time. guinness book of world records says mike hernan is the first person ever to sail solo around the world. his father followed with a support team in another boat. it has been six months since haleigh cummings disappeared from her own home in florida. now we're getting new information about two different
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lie detector tests her stepmother, misty, took soon after the 5-year-old vanished. the results of those tests, just ahead. show and tell you weren't always my favorite day. with all the pet hair in the air, i'd spend class preoccupied, bothered by itchy eyes. but now i have new zyrtec® itchy eye drops. it works fast, with just one drop, to relieve my itchy eyes from allergies for up to 12 hours. no other allergy itchy eye drop works faster or longer. which is good, 'cause there's a lotta paws to shake.
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with new zyrtec® itchy eye drops i can love the air™. (announcer) find it in the allergy aisle next to other zyrtec® products.
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going to take you back to some live pictures in boston. you can see people lining the street. they're trying to get a look at the motorcade carrying the body of senator ted kennedy. it's made its way from the family home in cape cod, in hyannis port, made it to boston now. mourners line this route. it's about a 70-mile stretch. there were stretches where it was kind of the country, where there was nobody, and then huge patches and groups of people wanting to catch a glimpse of this. a few hours ago, the family held their private mass at the kennedy home in hyannis port and now the motorcade is making its way to john f. kennedy presidential -- the presidential library. that's where senator ted kennedy's body will lie in repose until tomorrow. newly released information shows that haleigh cummings' stepmother may not have been
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telling all she knows about what happened to that little 5-year-old. misty cummings was the last person to see girl before she disappeared from the family's home in florida. that was back in february now. she insists she has no idea where haleigh is, but the director of the texas company, equusearch, says cummings failed a polygraph test she took to try to clear her name. she had taken a lie detector test with the putnam county's sheriff and then requested another one and didn't do well on either test. >> it indicated that misty was, deception indicated. which was no surprise to us. we have said all along, misty has been inconsistent in her statements. and i agree with the point that was made by tim miller's investigator, is that misty's consistency is inconsistency. >> haleigh vanished in the night on february 10th. misty cummings said she woke up in the middle of the night and the child was gone. no one, not even the
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chairman of the federal reserve, is safe from identity theft. really. ben bernanke says his personal bank account was hit after his wife's purse was stolen from a starbucks near capitol hill last august. police said she did have her social security card in her purse along with her checkbook and other i.d.s. court filings show a man from washington has confessed to depositing checks from their joint account. the dow industrial has been on quite a streak lately. somehow they managed to make eight straight days of gains. let's check in with stephanie elam at the business desk in new york. how you doing? >> i'm doing pretty good. haven't seen a run like in this a while. day number eight for dow where we had another win. this is the longest winning streak for the blue chip since april 2007. a positive reading on the nation's economy gave stocks a boost, led by gains in financial
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shares. the dow adding 37 points to close at 9580. nasdaq and the s&p 500 were barely above the flat line. the nation's gross domestic product declined 1% in the second quarter. that's unchanged from the estimate made last month and it's far more upbeat than the 6.4% drop in the first quarter. meanwhile, jobless claims declined by 10,000 last week, but the overall number of people losing their jobs remains very high at 570,000. keep in mind that the unemployment rate is expected to continue to rise. so just how prepared financially is the average u.s. worker if faced with a layoff? a survey from reveals that two-thirds of workers lack proper savings to deal with such an emergency. 34% said they have less than one week's worth of savings to cover living expenses if they're laid off. conventional wisdom has it that people should have savings to last them about six months to cushion against a layoff. richelle, get out there and start saving. >> i hope people are learning that now before it's too late. does a public service announcement immediate to make
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you really wake up and think twice? it's pretty intense, the one we're going to show you. we want your views on whether or not it's too graphic.!b +9÷oúj z tightness in my chest came back- i knew i had to see my doctor. he told me i had choices in controller medicines. we chose symbicort. symbicort starts to improve my lung function within 15 minutes. that's important to me because i know the two medicines in symbicort are beginning to treat my symptoms and helping me take control of my asthma. and that makes symbicort a good choice for me. symbicort will not replace a re0=ue inhaler for sudden symptoms. and should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol may increase the chance of asthma-related death. so, it is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on other asthma medicines. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. i know symbicort won't replace a rescue inhaler. within 15 minutes symbicort starts to improve my lung function and begins to treat my symptoms. that makes symbicort a good choice for me. you have choices. ask your doctor if symbicort is right for you.
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(announcer) if you cannot afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. okay, sami. it's bedtime. oh, 10 more minutes... please? 10 more. yes! ...please? ♪ hey daddy, will you buy us some alcohol for my party tonight? we'll be right here at the house. you can even take the keys. please? absolutely not. ugh! you never let me have anything! [ male announcer ] don't be a pushover, i hate you!
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be a parent. prevent. don't provide alcohol to minors.
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the contra costa county sheriff's department says a man and a woman have been arrested in connection with the disappearance of 11-year-old jaycee dugard 18 years ago. and they're now being held in the county jail. dugard walked into a san francisco bay area police station recently and identified herself. authorities say she appears to be in good health. california police are also searching a home in antioch that has been linked to the investigation. dan simon is there and joins us now with this unbelievable story. dan, what else have you been able to learn? >> reporter: well, first of all, i have to tell you, richelle, that we are hearing so many crazy things about this story that a lot of it really is not reportable at this point. but we can tell you the basics of this story. and that is, as you just said,
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that this now 29-year-old woman came into the local police department yesterday and said that she had been kidnapped 19 years ago. meanwhile, we are here in antioch, california. behind us, you can see this house. and perhaps you can see a couple of law enforcement personnel there in front of the house. they are executing a search warrant on the two people who have been arrested in connection with this case. let me tell you who those people are. they are philip craig garrido, 58 years old, and nancy garrido, 55, a married couple. mr. garrido has been charged with numerous things including kidnapping, rape by force, a lewd and lascivious act with a minor, sexual penetration, and conspiracy. his wife, meanwhile, charged with conspiracy and kidnapping. we should tell you that where this young woman now was abducted in the south lake tahoe area, that is eldorado county,
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they're going to be holding a press conference there. officials there holding that press conference in about an hour and a half from now, where we should learn a lot more details, but needless to say, this is one bizarre story and it appears with a happy ending, richelle. >> it does. and i know the question that everyone wants to answer that maybe will come in a couple of hours, is what prompted them to end up at the police station? i just -- i don't know. and i know, like you said, there are so many things you're probably hearing on the street that you've got to verify before you tell us, but what a story, dan. >> reporter: what a story. and the "san francisco chronicle" is reporting that the 29-year-old woman actually showed up at the police department with her captors. we haven't confirmed that ourselves, but that is just another incredible twist to this story. >> wow. unbelievable. well, we're looking forward to it and we'll check in with you later on after you've had a chance to get to that police press conference. thanks, dan simon. >> reporter: you bet. a motorcade carrying the
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body of senator ted kennedy is on its way to the jfk presidential library, where it will lie in repose. there have been people lining the route all day, applause there as you can see. it is making its way through the streets of boston, past some of the most important landmarks in kenne kennedy's life, including the church where his mother, rose, was bab tooids. this morning, there'll be a private viewing at the jfk library. thousands will file past the closed casket to pay tribute to the last brother of a political dynasty. and a private funeral for kennedy will be held saturday in boston. president obama will deliver the eulogy at our laid of perpetual health basilica, also known as the mission church. all former living former presidents have been invited. his body will then be taken to arlington national cemetery in virginia where he'll be buried
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near his fallen brothers. kennedy is eligible for burial at arlington because his two years in the army. and what will become of the family home in hyannis port. an authority tells our sister network cnn, it could be turned into a museum. as of now, no future plans have been announced. a freshman congresswoman is apologizing for saying the gop was still searching for a great white hope, her exact words. she stopped president obama's political agenda. kansas republican lynn jenkins said she used the phrase to reassure republicans that the party has promising leaders. she meant it as a bright light or rising star, and didn't realize it had any negative connotation. new evidence has been
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released in the case of that florida couple killed in their bedroom last night while nine of their 13 special needs children were at home. surveillance cameras captured men wearing ninja garb and plaque masks entering the home of byrd and melanie billings and struggling with the couple while at least one child watched. ed lavendera has seen some of the tapes and says what he saw was downright chilling. >> reporter: there were two particular camera angles that were very striking. one where you see the initial moment where byrd and melanie billings are confronted by the gunmen who break into their home. at one point, you see byrd billings kind of throw his arms up like he's in the going to put up any fight, and another group of men come in from behind him, and we understand this is where he was shot in the leg and you see him drop to the ground. then the scuffle continues. you do not see the murders unfold on these videotapes. those take place in the couple's master bedroom, inside the home.
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>> a judge allowed reporters to view the tapes taken from the home, but said no one could copy or distribute them. seven people have been charged in those killings. firefighters are making some headway against this wildfire burning in the angeles national forest in california, but high temperatures, low humidity, making it really difficult still, but at last check, the fire was about 45% contained. that is great progress. it has burned, though, more than 1,800 acres so far. nearly 1,000 firefighters are working on it, using bulldozers and water dropping planes to try to get this thing contained. tropical storm danny is gathering strength in the atlantic right now. top sustained winds are about 60 miles per hour. forecasters say it could be a category 1 hurricane by saturday. they say that folks up and down the east coast really need to keep an eye on this. projections indicate danny could strengthen by the time it gets to new england over the weekend and be near cape cod by saturday night.
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nasa's test of its next generation moon rocket is not getting off the ground. a planned horizontal test firing of the main booster engine of the new aries rocket, it's been scrubbed. nasa engineers say an auxiliary power unit failed. the test is part of a $108 billion program launched by former president george w. bush to return to the moon by 2020. the test has not been rescheduled. a mock launch of a full aries rocket has been set for october 31st a lot kennedy space center. and nasa is hoping to launch the space shuttle "discovery" late tomorrow night. yes, this will be the third try to send "discovery" to the international space station. managers have decided not to try to blast off early in the morning, saying they actually need more time to study the fuel valve problem that scrubbed yesterday's scheduled launch. trying to get it figured out. it feels absolutely brilliant. i'm feeling ecstatic. >> he should. a british teenager has reason to
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be ecstatic. he sailed himself right into the record books. orbitz is cutting hotel booking fees, but did you know you also get hotel price assurance? it's a one-two punch of savings -- pow! pow! lower hotel booking fees mean you get a lower total price. plus, if another orbitz customer then books the same hotel for less,
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we send you a check for the difference, automatically. ♪ ♪ which one's me - for a cool convertible or an suv? ♪ too bad i didn't know my credit was whack ♪ ♪ 'cause now i'm driving off the lot in a used sub-compact. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free credit report dot com, baby. ♪ ♪ saw their ads on my tv ♪ thought about going but was too lazy ♪ ♪ now instead of looking fly and rollin' phat ♪ ♪ my legs are sticking to the vinyl ♪ ♪ and my posse's getting laughed at. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free- credit report dot com, baby. ♪
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it took him nine months. a british teen has broken a record by becoming the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe.'s nicole laughin is here with that. circumnavigate is just a fantastic word, and it's a teenager who did this. >> yeah. so basically he was so low all around the world in his sailboat. richelle, this guy is amazing. mike perhan, he is a british chap, if you will, he went 30,000 miles on the ocean.
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she celebrated his 17th birthday out at sea. it took him nine months to do so. he didn't have to battle gale-force winds, but he did have 150-feet waves and a whole host of technical issues. he told the bbc, it's definitely the hardest part of your trip, being alone out there, because nobody can help you, and you kind of miss physical contact. i want to show you his track, circumnavigating the globe. he set off on his journey from portsmouth on november 15th, 2008, look at him go, this is a reenactment of his travels, going south around the atlantic ocean, up to cape cod. he celebrated his birthday out there. he went to australia, to the pacific ocean, and the guy just kept on going, through the panama canal into the atlantic and threaten through the finish line in cornwall, england. richelle, i am tired just saying that. can you imagine actually doing that?
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but kudos to him. i interviewed the guy whose record he broke. he was another 17-year-old, an american sailor, zack zur sunde, and they keep getting younger and younger. >> and now he's got to turn around and start school any day now. but he's going to be a rock star, for sure. what else is getting a lot of attention on dot-com today? >> also staying in the uk, i needed a little help from our resident british. because this is an interesting take on atm language. you know how you can pick here in the states, you know, english or spanish, you can pick in london, english or cockney. cockney is a former of english spoken by working class londoners. it's been around for hundreds of years. it works, basically, this is what i'm told, by finding a phrase that rhymes with the word you want to use. let me give you an example, richelle. if the atm says "enter your
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p.i.n.," cockney would be, "please enter your huckleberry fin," because hublg berry fin rhymes with pin. and some "moola for your pocket" would be "some moola for your skyrocket." >> jam joft. >> say what? it almost reminds me of when i watch the movie "billy elliot," a few years ago, it was technically in english, i think, but i still had to watch the subtitles, because i couldn't understand anything. >> i would suggest to go to, it kind of lays it out for you. that's a tease. yeah, it's a whole new language, basically like gibberish or pig latin. we get what we're saying, but nobody else really does. >> well, you have naamua down
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there in your newsroom to help you. thanks, nicole. >> you're welcome. our series money and main street focuses on how to thrive in a tough economy. everyone wants to hear this. well, today john zarrella introduces us to a man who lost his job at a tampa cigar factory. now he's helping former coworkers find new jobs. >> reporter: they'll still be there on the shelves of convenience stores. tampa cigars, but they won't be coming from the city in the name. after a century of production, it's over. operations consolidated, moved to puerto rico, 495 people out of work. >> i was thinking, here's a place i can retire from. >> reporter: ron russell was a machinist at the tampa factory for 3 1/2 years. >> i thought i was safe in a 100-year-old company. >> reporter: russell didn't cry nor did he start pounding the pavement looking for another job. nope, he did something very different. >> we thank those of you who have come to offer hope to us in
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an hour of need. >> reporter: he started a website. on it, the names, contact information, and skills of former hav-a-tampa employees who want to be listed. one-stop shopping for companies looking for workers. >> if i need an engineer? >> highlight "engineer," click "search," here we have mr. harvey morris. >> reporter: morris says you won't find better people than those on the site. >> what kind of person can i expect to find on that website, if i'm an employer? >> simply put, quality. quality people. >> reporter: so far, russell says the site has led to 30 jobs. at one time, there were some 200 cigar factories in tampa. it's down to one now, only the jc newman company is left. hav-a-tampa officials say a new federal tax dramatically increased the price of their cigars and reduced consumption. >> this is a company that's given people tremendous livelihoods and that's all gone.
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>> reporter: dave is known as cigar dave on his syndicated radio talk show. >> it's an absolutely tragedy. total preventable tragedy. there's no other product that's taxed at 53% in this nation. >> reporter: the tax was leveed to help fund a federal health insurance program for children from low-income families. ironically, ron russell says his child now qualifies for the insurance. >> what about looking out for number one? >> number one will get his turn when it's time. >> reporter: but now's the time, russell says, to find work for the others. john zarrella, cnn, tampa. >> how to thrive in a tough economy, you can see people are doing it. for more, watch "money & main street" on our sister network on cnn tonight at 8:00 eastern time. at bank of america we are
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keeping our finger on the pulse. we're not just sticking with the same product. so that's why, you know we've adjusted... ...a lot of the different processes we have in place such as rolling out more innovative products to really meet the needs of our customers. because what might have been good six months ago for them, might not be good now. there's a lot goinon right now with helping out customers. one of the unique features that we just brought out recently was actually called add it up. our risk free cd is a very powerful tool that we have for our customers. we're refinancing their mortgages., how are you saving for the future? how do you pay your bills? my own dad uses online banking and he loves it. every single day. he's looking at his account, if he's a penny off he's calling me. you just have to learn to just, you know, just be there. we want to make sure that our customers understand,, that we understand, what's going on. we're here for them, whatever that need may be. we want to make sure that you're successful in what you do and we want to help you every step of the way.
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all right, "prime news" is coming up in just a little bit. let's get right to mike so he can tell us what topics are today. and it's clear what the topic of the day is. this young lady, mike, who was kidnapped at 11 and she's 29 and now her family knows where she is after 18 years. >> and let's start on the positive. imagine being her mom, 18 years later, you get a call out of the blue saying, we have jaycee, jaycee dugard, that's who we're talking about here, and she's alive, 18 years later. so now there's going to be a reunion with mom, stepfather at some point. >> short-tee remembers everyone she not? >> that's what we're hearing. that she sounded good and remembered things from when she was 11 years old. from the flip side, we know at least two people have been arrested, allegedly had her. there's rape allegations, kidnapping. so we'll have all that for you. there's a press conference coming up at 6:00 eastern. we'll be following that and will be dealing with this topic,
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obviously, coming up in about ten minutes. call in, 1-877-tell-hln is the number. we have an haleigh cummings case. the last person to see little haleigh was her father's now wife, misty cummings, misty cross lan at the time. we know she failed missibly huge questions. we'll let you know ha those questions are and what that could mean to the investigation. call in on that one. and also a football couch, could he be held responsible for a player's death. heat index the day of the practice, 94 degrees. one player had already collapsed. 15 minutes later, young max gillpin collapsed, never recovered. died three days later. what should happen to this coach? we'll talk about that as well, 1-877-tell-hln is the number. e-mail us or text us, hlntv. this public service
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announcement, we'll show it to you in a minute, gone viral. got an online audience all over the world. there's a lot of controversy about it. we'll show it to you now. it is graphic. it is very graphic. it's intended for teens in england to demonstrate the dangers of driving while texting. causing a major crash while sending a text message. shows what happens. the brutal -- it shows in brutal detail what's after this accident. her friends die. people in other cars die as well. crime writer dominick dunne has died after a long battle with cancer. he started writing about crime after the 1982 murder of his daughter. and then he became a crime victims advocate. he was working on a novel when he died. dominic dunne was 83. chris brown is singing about how everyone is hating him. brown is sentenced to probation for beating his one-time
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girlfriend rihanna. his song asking her to come back. a.j. hammer has the story.
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